Orange County NC Website
SECTION 5311 TITLE VI , PROGKAM ~REPORI~ <br />~~f( Date <br />:1~~ <br />• ~ Comment [PTD9] .Page: 3' <br />" Eage:'3 <br />Instructions:-TitIeVLCertitication <br />The legal'apphcant' must complete the <br />5edton'S311 Ti[Ie VI Proeratri Report, If. <br />there have been no 911cgations'or formal <br />cotn,plaints, the legal applicat~Ys <br />authorizod official slould complete the <br />appropriate ccnification at the:;top of the. <br />form and sign where indicated. 'If there ' <br />have been allegations orcomplaints, the , <br />legal applicant's authorized-official <br />should-comp)etdtlte appropriate <br />certification at the bottombf the form and.. <br />sigp where indicated <br />Comment [PTD10]: Page:3 <br />Legal Name of AppGcaot.' Name of <br />local public governing body not the <br />The following Title VI complaints or lawsuits alleging discrimination <br />have been filed with the applicant during the period July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 <br />Complainant Date Description StatuslOutcome <br />Name/AddresslTele hone Number <br />(Attach an additional page if required.) <br />I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the above described complaints or lawsuits alleging discrimination have been filed against Orange <br />Count during the period July 1, 2006 -June 30, 2007. <br />Signature of Authorized Official Date <br />Type Name and Title of Authorized ~Offic'ia~_ <br />-------- ---------------- ---------------------- ------- --------------- <br />Legal Name of Applicant: Orange count <br />I certify that fo the best of my knowledge, No complaints or lawsuits alleging discrimination have been filed against <br />ring the period July 1, 2006 -June 30, 2007. <br />Comment [PTDil]: Page'3 <br />Authorized'OniciaC lndi4idual <br />designated'bq Ure appl icant's:govemmg '' , <br />bpdy to enter into a cori[ract attd execule7_ <br />all agreements and contracts with <br />NCDOT. The legal applicant's <br />authorized official should complete the <br />appropriate certification on the form and'' <br />stgo'where indicated. The authorized <br />official!inustsignthe Title YI Program <br />LAP°tt. -._~ <br />