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Mrs. Dunn stated that the space now being provided by the County to the Court System <br />was totally inadequate and she presented a list of from the Bar Association. <br />These priorities were to fix up the Judges' Chamber with carpet, drapes, and proper <br />furniture; to provide a lounge and work space for lawyers; to provide adequate book <br />cases and copies of the General Statutes; to provide interview rooms for parties and <br />witnesses; to carpet the area in front of the Bar; to secure a proper P.A. System or <br />to re-arrange the current speaker system; to paint the Courtroom; to place drapes on <br />the windows and to provide comfortable Courtroom furniture for the Judge and the Jury. <br />Mrs. Dunn then reviewed the method in which she felt some additional space could be <br />secured. She further recommended that an additional telephone line to Chapel Hi11 be <br />made available for lawyers and that proper inventory of the General Statutes should-be <br />maintained. <br />Mr. Longs statements concurred with all pf the recommendations presented by Mrs. <br />Dunn. He stated that there was need for a Splicitor's office and the microphone situa- <br />tion was intolerable, the Jury rooms were uncomfortable and that no privacy was afforded <br />because in the Judges' chamber and the Jury rooms, the doors were a mess. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner i+lhitted suggested that the County P4anager see what a P.A. System <br />would cost, to investigate the cost of carpet and drapes and new furniture for the <br />Judges' chamber. <br />Mary Scrpggs, Chairman of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Unit; Dr. Charles <br />Rivers, Assistant Superintendent of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School System; George <br />Williams, Superintendent of the Orange County School Unit; and H. G. Coleman, Jr., <br />member of the Orange County School Board, were present. <br />Chairman Garrett stated that she had filed with each Board momber a Memorandum <br />that contained items which she felt must receive consideration in this year's Budget. <br />She stated that she guessed it could be considered as her "think list." <br />Chairman Garrett stated, "One area for major capital need, and I have listed the <br />Jail, the Library, and an office building. Some you know are really considerable. <br />The office building in Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, the garage and Animal Pound <br />building, as 1 have, we have in the Budget. We have money in the Budget for the garage <br />and the Animal Pound building. The other things that we have, that we put money in <br />for last year is some money for a Jail, some money for a Library and some for an Office <br />Building. I put School System's needs in because of the Cultural Arts Building, the <br />band room, and the proposed school in Efland. <br />Discussion ensued between representatives of the School System, the County Manager, <br />Fiscal Officer, and members of the Board relative to ways and means of financing <br />facilities and/or renovating current facilities. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated that he felt the Board should obtain a detailed <br />outline of what a study would involve, such as engineering and architectural studies <br />of the Grady Brown School, the Library and the Jail, the operational and renovation <br />costs of these facilities, and ask the Sheriff to initiate some serious planning <br />towards a new Jail, secure the study that has been done from the Library Board and <br />request to the School System to do a thorough Capital Outlay study that would project <br />a ten (10) year need, secure a thumb-nail sketch of the current Courthouse and the <br />proposed Chapel Hill office needs, and do a space study of the Court needs and that <br />these needs should be coupled so that they interact with each Agency need and that <br />a time period for completion of all the proposed studies should be established for a <br />four (4) month period. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson then suggested that all questions involving a Bond Issue <br />should be thoroughly answered and that the Board should set up a working committee <br />comprised of representatives from the two (2) School Units, the Sheriff's Department, <br />various other County Agencies and the Library. <br />Further discussion ensued. <br />Chairman Garrett inquired if Commissioner Gustaveson would make his suggestions <br />in the form pf a motion. He moved that his suggestions be incorporated into a motion. <br />Commissioner Whitted inquired if Commissioner Gustaveson would agree to amend his <br />mvti.on to include that the study of the facility needs could possibly include suggested <br />ways of financing other than a Band Issue. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson agreed to amend his motion and he re-stated his motion. <br />- Commissioner Gustaveson amended his motion to state that a working committee be <br />appointed to form detailed plans for the Jail, the Library, and the Grady Brown School, <br />and that this committee formulate possible ways of financing the expected cost of these <br />projects and that all groups that would be involved with any major Capital Outlay pro- <br />jects should project the facilities needs on at least a ten (10) year basis. <br />