Orange County NC Website
3 <br />• u areas of come testing, asphalt pavement placement, soil density, ABC sampling, borr+~w pit <br />:sampling, OSHA safety, radioi©gical safel3~ aztd grtuge use,: aAd erosion t~trol impl~nea~tatons. <br />PRQP(3SED PRQJECT PERSONNEL <br />Summit will assign Mr. Don Dewey, a Professional ~ with over 19 years of relevant experience to <br />serve as the project manager for thYS gmject. He will coordinate ~ testing ao#ivitie~ including prflvdin~, <br />specific instructions to Summit pexsonnel, reviewing nit :field: reports .for accuracy and cam~pleteness, <br />re~lving any questi~s ox problems as they devetap, and preparing sunarnary reports of observation and <br />testing activities at regular intervals. <br />Summit' will assign: an etxgine~arit5g technician who. bas extensive experience with 'this type of building <br />canstcuctfln. The technician assigned to the project becomes a key proj ect team player anti .should be able <br />to make expedient and;'apptxspriate mcoinu~endations that could otherwise holdup construction-activities. <br />~aatmit Caasuiting Engineers wail! prmvede the specified cainstaruction materials tubing firom our <br />local office located In >E~isl~aroagby North Carolina. <br />SCUPE !?F SERVICES. <br />. Based upon our experience on, similar projects, the services Summit e~cp'ects to provide would include but <br />~ti be limited to-the fallowing work elements: siteworl~ foundations; cast-in~lace concave, reit~fo~,ing <br />steel and paving, Our prizna'ry objective is to verify that the work is performed and installed in.aceordance <br />with the groj e~c# docuxneats. <br />The services Summit expects tQ provide would include but not neeceessar{ty be limited to the following: <br />Soiis/Earthwork: <br />I. Observation of grovfi+olling activities-.prior to> fill plstc+enxent and p><+ovidingreoommenclations <br />for unstable or unsuitable soils, if encountered.. <br />2. Observatiarrt and density testing during soiUstane fill placement. <br />3. Obtaining sail and stone samples for laboratory testing: incuding snit. classification; Atterberg <br />limits, gradation and standard praetor deEerminations. _ <br />4. Verifying placement and performing density 'testing of foundation wall and n-dining welt <br />backfilIing acxivities. <br />Foundation: <br />l . Observation, veri fieatioa sect testing of bearing capacity of all . foundations and pmivding <br />rocommesuiationswhcre unsuitable bearing conditionis exist, if encountered. <br />• <br />L:1GeotechnicallPrcposalsl2t)07 Proposal Log1P-014-fl7t3csngeconntywastc~Or~nge ~ouatySolid waste. f,~perations <br />Gentct - ~:anstructicrn Matcxa}s Testiag.doc <br />Page. ~ of 4 <br />