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engineering services to make the first floor level and to address existing structural failures. <br />These repairs will be necessary for the future of the house, regardless of the type of use. <br />2. <br />Assuming a November 5, 2007 approval date, the contract work would begin during the winter. • <br />Once the construction documents are prepared, staff will solicit proposals from contractors <br />interested in completing the work. A recommendation will be presented for the Board's <br />consideration following staff review and evaluation of the submittals. <br />Bids to replace roof shingles on the Blackwood House will be solicited in the spring of 2008. <br />Additional repairs to the house and outbuildings as well as regular maintenance needs have <br />been identified, with cost estimates, and will be included in the 2008-2018 CIP. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The price of the services to be conducted for the Blackwood House is <br />$7,750. A cost proposal outlining more specifically the services to be provided is attached to <br />this abstract. (A maximum of $8,750 includes up to $1,000 for additional services should the <br />need be determined as the project progresses). <br />Emergency building .stabilization funds were appropriated to the Cate and Blackwood farms in <br />2003 and in FY 2004-2005, including $132,500 for the Blackwood Farm. To date, $26,912 has <br />been used from this amount. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board authorize a contract with <br />RB Engineering, Inc. as cited herein and exempt this project from the qualifications based <br />selection process for architects and engineers as provided in G.S. 143-64.32; and authorize the <br />Manager to sign on behalf of the Board, subject to final review by staff and County Attorney. • <br />• <br />