2008-105 EDC - 2007-08 Small Business and Technology Development Center Contract Renewal
Board of County Commissioners
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2008-105 EDC - 2007-08 Small Business and Technology Development Center Contract Renewal
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Last modified
4/27/2011 4:42:59 PM
Creation date
4/28/2009 3:11:08 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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~~, the Sid t13~ v~3!! work actively t~ ina~a~ ~rbl`~c awareness of aid a~c~ss tta !ts <br />• services throughout the Ct~unty. A v~€~~n efifvrt will l>e corx~ to acquaint orange ~utr's. <br />employers w~ services that can assist theta with expansion. Efforts wi#i tie made ~ fu#fy inv~ve <br />-other agencies and re~ur~s such as b:#3arnbers t~f Crarrarraerc~, SCQR)r, the local cornrdunity <br />college, fagciwork, Se#f Fielp, and #acal professional and .dvlc groups. <br />Sixth, the Si3'IUC wli! prtsvide technit~! assistance, business plan sr~d it~an ~~~ <br />preparation assistance ~ businesses and individuals prepar'sng #~ apply for financing froris the <br />C3rar~ge County Small i3usiness Loan #~ool. <br />Seventh, the Sl37~bC w#!! provide the EDC with a ~~ritten annual report This wH! ctebll the <br />program and service acfivlties t~f the 5i3TCSC In Orange t.~nty for the year. The SBTDC also w!!! <br />provide a report of d#ent evaluations rrf services eat year. <br />hth, the St3`lT~C will trtake its best good faith effort m mrrt#nue a€td~or expand the level <br />of ~vlre ist Change Crn.inty proposed unzier thfs ~reesnent beyorxi t#te tei'tns cf this agr~rt. <br />Ninth, in return for ~e fx~ra~going, the County wig pay the 5i3TDC ~1.{?;t34R itt one <br />lnstal(ment {which may be used to pay for supp##es, rent, paridn9{ or arty! other caperating <br />expenses necessary to help keep this 5BTf3C regir~nai ceni~er office: in lDrarage CQUnty~. The <br />Cnursty wi## make effort far this payrrtent tQ be. made on or about November 15, 2f~7, or as soon <br />thereafter as possible, <br />'l'ent, the EDC v~iil aCtiuely support and promote the programs and serYi~ cxf the ~ <br />within t3rancie Courtly. . <br />Eleventh, the. #3irector of the E['3C will retxiain a member ~ the SB"tUC Regir~nai Rcivisory <br />Boartf as long as this agreert~nt is in efFect. <br />• Tvsrelfth, the term of this agreement Yuill be 1 year beginning duly I, 2gD7 and ending June <br />Thirteenth, this agre~nent may ke terminated at any lane ctpcsn # rnutsta# consent of the <br />parties or upon g0 days advance wrl~en notice by eider party. <br />Fraurteenth, ~e SSTt7C authorizes inspection by the Qrarage County Finance Dir~ec~tar or his <br />designee of so much 4f the books ant! records of the SBTDC, which document receipt. Arad <br />expenditure of County farads. The books and records o€ the SBTDC shall be made available to the <br />C~,anty Finance Director or his designee upon reasonable rtoiice. <br />~afteenth, in the event that the Si3TDC ceases to function or ceases to provide the services <br />described herein withs~ut a County aPl~ written assignment o: release by Ctxrt'rky of its <br />responsibi#~les, this agreement will terrrrinate anci the 58Tt~C wi!! return .any motte~rs paid tt~ <br />S6TDC pursuant to this agreement. <br />%N WITNESS Y~iEr#ZEUI=, t?range County has caused this Agreement to be s#graed !n its name by its <br />County Manager, attested try the clerk to the Board of Cornmissloners and Plorth Caro#ir~a State <br />University acting fcsr and tan behalf of i!s Srrtal# Business and Technology Devetoprrtertt Center has <br />caused ibis Agreement to iae signed in its name by its Associate Vice Chancellor, Research <br />Adrrilnistration, anti a!! author#ty duly given, ~th+e day and year first above written. <br />• <br />
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