Orange County NC Website
POLICY FOR INSERTION INTO THE POLICY MANUAL <br />MEETING DATE: February 2l, 1989 NUMBER: A-0390 <br />EFFECTIVE DATE: February 21, 1989 REVISIONS: November 9, 2005 <br />March 3, 2009 <br />POLICY: Orange County Property Naming Policy <br />Policy "Policy Statement" <br />County owned buildings, facilities and land shall bear such names as the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners shall approve pursuant to this policy. This policy follows all applicable local, state and <br />federal laws, rules and regulations. <br />Purpose <br />This policy is to establish the Board of County Commissioners as the responsible authority for naming <br />County buildings, facilities, and land. <br />Guidelines <br />2.1. The naming of public buildings, facilities and land shall be done only by the Board of County <br />Commissioners by resolution adopted by majority vote. <br />2.1.1. Property to be given names or titles shall be either owned by Orange County government <br />or leased by Orange County government for its use. <br />2.1.2. Properties to be named or given a title include buildings, any areas in buildings, other <br />physical facilities, collections of books, records or other printed or audio-visual materials, <br />land or water areas <br />2.1.3. Official names or titles for property belonging to the County shall only be changed by the <br />Board of County Commissioners as it deems appropriate. <br />2.1.4. Current names for property belonging to the County shall remain the same unless <br />changed by the Board of County Commissioners upon relocation or change in function of <br />the property. <br />2.1.5. No property belonging to Orange County shall be named for living persons with the <br />following exceptions. <br />a. Living persons who make a significant monetary contribution to the <br />development of a public building or facility when such a contribution is <br />made with the intent and agreement of the Board of County Commissioners <br />that said building or facility will be named for the contributor <br />b. Leased property that has been conferred a name by the lessor that is a <br />person's name need not be renamed if it has locational or other value <br />