Orange County NC Website
4 <br />6} Land for Tomorrow/Land and Water Conservation 'Trust <br />l~nd~ - Support legislative actions which seek. to <br />enhance appropriations and/or safeguard existing trust <br />funds established for the protection of the state's <br />land, Water, and special places, before they are <br />irreversibly lost, and which enjoin the Governor ~Erom. <br />sequestering these funds; <br />7 } Criminal Justice Partnershi Pro ram ~C~TPP~ <br />Continuation ,~,indin from Current Ilan-Recurrin <br />status} -~ Support legislative and other actions to <br />provide reliable full funding for this Program as it <br />saves money in the long term for bath state and local <br />governments. orange County understands that the <br />Department of Juvenile Justice/Delinquency Prevention <br />is, as are all State agencies, grappling with a 7° <br />decrease ~in funding this fiscal year. 'the Governor's <br />~,ecommended Budget includes another lD~ decrease. 'the <br />County acknowledges how difficult these adjustments are <br />to achieve but appreciates the Department's commitment <br />to sustaining the majority of direct services to North <br />Carolina's children and families. "the County <br />encourages the State to avail itself of any new <br />