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Commissioner Walker stated that Item #5 was in error in that Vivian Edmonds <br />was a State appointee to the Social Service Board and that it was William Breeze's <br />term that was expiring in June. Mr. Breeze was appointed to fill the unexpired <br />term of Jean McDade. <br />Discusslan ensued. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the Board reappoint Mr. Breeze as a membex a£ <br />the Social Service Board. This motion died for lack of a second. <br />Action was deferred on the motion until the June 17th meeting. <br />The Clerk was call Roger Feushee relative to the Orange County <br />Bicentennial Committee. <br />The Board was informed that the Northside School property title was being <br />checked. However, a defect in a portion of the title had been found. Therefore, <br />the status of the property title was yet to be determined. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson brought to the attention of the Board House Bills 473 <br />and 254. He referred to Legislative Bulletin #18, dated May 29, 1975, which states <br />"Inventory taxes would be cut in half over a five year period by Committee Substitute <br />for H 473, which passed House Finance by 25 to 19 and will be on the House Calendar <br />Tuesday, June 3rd. First year loss is $8.3 million and fifth year loss is estimated <br />at $50 million. The original H 473 provided for continued payment of inventory taxes <br />to local governments with a credit against state income tax. The Committee Substi- <br />tute has na such provision. The entire loss will be borne by Local Governments." <br />Regarding House Bill 254 it was stated that "Another S20 million loss would <br />be inflicted by Committee Substitute for H 254. This bill now includes liberaliza- <br />tion for the aged and disabled exemptions; improved taxation of mobile homes; and <br />exemption of household and kitchen personal property. This bill passed second read- <br />ing on Friday by a very substantial margin. County Commissioners are facing the <br />same budget problems as the General Assembly and this is no time for reduction of <br />local tax revenues or erosion of the local tax base. <br />Upon the motion of Commissioner Pinney it was moved and adopted that the <br />Board go on record as being in opposition to House Bi11s 473 and 254. <br />House Bill 1171 dealt with the Health Planning Council. upon motion of <br />Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Whitted, it was moved and adopted <br />that a letter of support be forwarded to the Orange County delegation in the <br />General Assembly with a copy directed to Rep. Claude DeBruhl. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was <br />adjourned. <br />Flora Garrett, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />JUNE 3, 1975 <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners mot in the Commissioners Room of the <br />County Courthouse in Hillsborough at 7:30 p.m., on Tuesday, June 3, 1975. <br />Members present were Flora Garrett, Nprm Gustaveson, San Pinney, Norman *Aalker, <br />and Richard E. Ti~hitted. <br />Members absent: None. <br />This meeting was held to discuss the proposed 1975-1976 County Budget. <br />The Chairman called upon Mrs. Mary Scroggs, Chairman of the Chapel Hill- <br />Carrbaro City School Board, to present the budget proposal of the Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro City Schopls. <br />Mrs. Scroggs made a few introductory remarks and turned the budget presenta- <br />tion aver to Dr. Hanes, the units Superintendent. <br />Dr. Hanes opened his presentation by saying the schools are presently being <br />severely hurt by inflation and the withdrawal of both state and federal funds. <br />They anticipate losing about $35,000.00 in actual state funds next year. Instead <br />of an actual gain of teacher allotment anticipated next year they are faced with a <br />