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As of this agenda item, the State Clearinghouse has ~nat issued its report to Planning but <br />it is expected shortly. Planning anticipates it would take about 3-5 days fram receipt to <br />review the Report and make an initial determination. Even if Planning were to issue a <br />Ft]NSI, the ~UCC as the project "applicant" could still submit to a~n ElS voluntarily. A <br />formal EIS is a more expensive operation that would entail developing a final proposed <br />site plan and would take an estimated ?5-9D days to complete, <br />See Attachment A: Aver inc. Environmental Assessment) Site D56 <br />DvVASA ~ Site l59 <br />The DUVASA Board of Directors in a letter dated Dctober ~4, 2DO8 informed the County that it <br />would not allow entry to their 43 acre parcel for purposes of conducting various assessments, <br />surveys, etc. Therefore, no such evaluations, assessments or surveys have been conducted. <br />In a lVlarch ~2, 2409 letter to the County lUlanager DwASA further indicated, in the absence of <br />an identified property to swap, it has no interest in consideration of a land-swap option as an <br />alternative for further County pursuit of this candidate transfer station site. <br />SWAB and Community <br />Exploration of Possible Alternative Approaches, <br />Partnerships and Methodologies for Solid Waste Disposal <br />Alternative vUaste Transfer Approaches <br />Diver, inc. has presented a detailed analysis regarding the financial hand other} implications of <br />Bela ing or not developing a local transfer station. Duch discussion occurred with regard to this <br />y <br />topic in SWAB ~ meetings that included various citizens groups, residents and other interested <br />persons. Diver, Int.'s analysis was amended as a result of some of the input submitted in this <br />forum. <br />Staff also recommended revisions to the analysis partially in response to the worsening <br />budgetary environment. first, Diver, inc. was directed to reduce the property to be acquired to <br />25 acres although acquiring the entire ~ 43 acres should still be considered. Second, Diver, inc. <br />was directed ta~ reduce the size requirements of the transfer station itself to the minimum <br />needed to function properly but still retain the state of the art enclosed design. <br />The~analysis reveals it will be mare expensive far the hauling of waste from Drange County to <br />existing regional transfer stations than to the Hwy. 54 candidate site. The analysis found the <br />County's Inter-local Dvvern~nent partners with the .exception of Hillsborough} will incur <br />significant additional costs to haul to an out-of-county transfer facility. A recent staff inquiry with <br />the City of Durham staff indicted Drange County could not realize a preferential tipping fee at <br />the City of Durham transfer station. <br />Another recent inquiry with wake County staff indicated a passible discussion among the South <br />111lake Landfill Partners to consider the nation of the wake County landfill hosting one or more <br />neighboring jurisdictions waste. As a result of this reasonably positive, though non-committal, <br />response fram wake County the County has asked Diver, inc. to include within the hauling <br />