Orange County NC Website
z <br />® Qnce a site is selected, form an advisory board and include in its mission addressing the <br />concerns of citizens, with the goal of minimizing impacts on the citizens, and invite the <br />towns to participate in the process of minimizing impacts. <br />The followin sections of the a ends abstract res and to direction received from the <br />Site Evaluation <br />54 west, LLC. -Site 45~ <br />The property survey is complete and the property has been confirmed as 142.71 acres in size. <br />The property appraisal is complete and the market value of the 142.71 property to be $82D,DDg <br />for $5,~46lacre}. The appraisal of the S.o1 parcel which is also owned by west 54, LLC. apart of <br />which would be used for an entranceviray to the transfer station} is complete and the market <br />value is $115,040 for $14,35?lacre}. <br />Regarding the environmental review of the property, discussions with Qlver, Inc., and the <br />County's Environmental end Resource Conservation Department and fihe Planning Department <br />led to following action steps. <br />1} Use County's right of entry to conduct Surface water Assessment County Sail and <br />Erosion Control Division} <br />2} Conduct Environmental Assessmenfi SEA}, including examining available hisfiorical data <br />and information submitted by the public conducted consistent and in compliance with <br />the State Environmental Policy Acfi ~SEPA} and County ordinances ~4lver, Inc.} <br />3} Qlver, Inc. submit a[I available data resulfiing from environmental assessment to County <br />Planning, who then submits the data to the State Clearinghouse various State review <br />agencies} ~Qlver, Inc. and Planning} <br />4} Conduct professional jurisdictional wetlands assessment and biological survey 4Qlver, <br />Inc.} <br />5} Delay cultural and archaeological survey until site decision made by B4CC. Since fihe <br />transfer sfiation will be a County facility and ground disturbing acfiivifiy would definifiely <br />occur, sfiaff will be obliged to follow the County's cultural and archaeological policy once <br />an affirmative decision to proceed with this site is made ~ERCDIPIanning} <br />6) County receives and evaluates State Clearinghouse Report (Planning) <br />?'} Planning issues either ~1 } FQNSi Finding of No Significant Impact} or ~2} Requirement <br />of an ElS ~Envirorimental impact Statement.} Prior to issuin either a FQNSI ar EIS, <br />Planning may re nest additional clari in information or anal sis of Qlver, Inc., in <br />response to recent questions about local data sets employed. <br />Steps 1-4 have been completed. Step ~ happens after the final site selection. The County <br />is on hold for Steps ~ and ?. <br />