Minutes - 19750505
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19750505
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517 <br />Upon the motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and alopted that the Board accept the presentation contained in the <br />Memorandum dated April 30, 1975, from Triangle J, Council of Government. <br />Chairman Gannett referred to Item #8 on the Agenda: (B. Appointments of four <br />persons to the Energy-Task Force) <br />Chairman Garrett requested that each Commissioner submit names of prospective <br />appointees for the Energy Task Force. <br />Commissionez Walker nominated Thomas McCume. <br />COmmissionez Gustaveson submitted the names of Paul Morris, Chandlee Barksdale, <br />Gray_ Culbreth and Henry Mears. <br />Chairman Garrett submitted the names of Henry Mears and Robert Nutter. <br />It was agreed that the Board would appoint four (4) persons to this Task Force. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Pinney, seconded by Commissioner Walker, it was <br />moved and adopted that Benry Mears, Chandlee Barksdale, Thomas McCume, and Robert <br />Nutter be approved as members of the Energy Task Force. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson explained the purpose of N. C. Fellows. The N. C. <br />Fellows would appropriate up to $700. for an intern and the County must appropriate <br />S3DO. for the intern and this student would work with the members of the Energy <br />Task Force. Upon the motion of Commissioner Whitted, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved that the Board accept the recommendation of Commissioner Gustaveson and <br />to appropriate to the N. C. Fellows the sum of $300. from the Contingency Fund for <br />.the employment df an intern tv work with the Energy Task Force. <br />Chairman Garrett called fox the question. Chairman Garrett, Commissioners <br />Gustaveson, Pinney and Whitted voted aye. <br />Commissionez walker voted nay. <br />Chairman Garrett declared the motion passed. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item # 10 on the Agenda: (Mrs. Ortense Aickson, <br />County Tax Collector, to report number and total amount of 1974 County Tax Liens <br />advertised for sale). <br />Chairman Garrett recognized Ortense Dickson, County Tax Collector. <br />Mrs. Dickson filed the following memorandum: <br />"Unpaid taxes on real property at the time of the first advertisement, <br />$524,864.13. Unpaid accounts - 3658. <br />Advertisements to appear in the News of Or_a_n_ge_ County on May 1, 3, 15, and 22nd. <br />Tax Lien sale to be held on June 2, 19'75. <br />_ (For 1973 - Unpaid taxes on real property at the time of first advertisement <br />5492,872.58. <br />Unpaid accounts 3775." <br />Questions and answers period ensued. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Item #11 on the Agenda: (Mr. Ervin Dobson, County <br />Planning ninector, to review: (A.) Plats fvn approval; (B.) The Micol rezoning <br />request) <br />Chairman Garnett zecognized Ervin Dobson. <br />A. Plats for approval - None. <br />$. Mr. DpbBOn advised the Board that the traffic `count for Highway 70A and 751 <br />had been received. However, the rezoning request of Robert Micpl had not been approved <br />by.'-the-Board but that business was being conducted on the'site. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />Commissioner Walker moved that the-Board go ahead witht.the approval o£ Mr. <br />Micol's nequest to rezone his property. This motion died for lack of a second. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson suggested that a letter from the County Planner be <br />forwarded to Mr. Mica1 indicating that the Board would like to have certain questions <br />answered and if it does not receive a positive response then the County would issue <br />a stop work order. <br />Discussion ensued between the County Attorney, the Planning Director, County <br />Manager, and Members of the Board. <br />Upon the motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Whitted, <br />it was moved that the Planning Director forward a letter to Mz. Robert Micol advising <br />him of the Board's concern over the safety factors involved with his property and <br />requesting that he move the mound of dirt that he had piled on the lot. Chairman <br />~ Garrett called for a vote on the motion. Commissioner Gustaveson, Pinney, Walker, <br />
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