Orange County NC Website
31 <br />order the work to be immediately stopQed The stop-work order <br />shall be in writing and directed to the person doing the work and <br />the owner shall be sent a copy via the U.S. mail The stop-work <br />order shall state the specific work to be stopped the specific <br />reason(s) for the stoppage, and the condition(s) under which the <br />work may be resumed. Violation of a stop-work order constitutes <br />a Class Three (3) misdemeanor. <br />19. Revocation of floodplain development Hermits as required The <br />Floodplain Administrator may revoke and require the return of <br />the floodplain development Hermit by notif n~n~ the Permit holder <br />in writing sag the reason(s) for the revocation. Permits shall <br />be revoked for any substantial deHarture from the aQ rH Dyed <br />application, plans, or specifications; for refusal or failure to <br />comply with the requirements of State or local laws• or for false <br />statements or misrepresentations made in securingpermit <br />Any floodplain develo mH ent Hermit mistakenly issued in <br />violation of an applicable State or local law may also be revoked. <br />20. Make periodic inspections throughout all SFHAs within the <br />Orange County jurisdiction. The Floodplain Administrator and <br />each member of the Planning and Inspections Department shall <br />have a right, upon presentation of proper credentials, to enter on <br />an~premises within the territorial jurisdiction of the department <br />at any reasonable hour for the purposes of inspection or other <br />enforcement action. <br />21. Follow through with corrective procedures of Section 23.5 <br />22. Coordinate Letters of Map Change and FIS/FIRM revisions with <br />other County departments, State of North Cazolina, and FEMA <br />Sec. 21.9.3 Establishment of floodplain development Hermit. <br />A floodplain development permit shall be required conformin tg o the <br />provisions of this Ordinance prior to the commencement of any <br />development activities within SFHA as determined in Section 4 2 38 <br />PART XVII. That Article 22 Definitions be amended by adding the following definitions: <br />Addition (to an existing building) -- an extension or increase in the floor area or height of a building or <br />structure, including adding new lumbing electrical or HVAC s, sty ems <br />Area of special flood hazard -- See "Special Flood Hazard Area (SERA) Overlay District" <br />Appeal -- A reauest from a review of an administrative interpretation of any provision of this Ordinance <br />by the Board of Adjustment. <br />