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g) Prepare and recommend to the Board of Commissioners new <br />-ordinance or amendments to existing ordinances which will have <br />the effect of implementing the Comprehensive Plan; <br />h) Engage in a program of information dissemination to the public and <br />officials; <br />i) Recommend to the Board of County Commissioners the <br />establishment and /or continuation of Township Advisory Councils. <br />Cooperate with these Councils to the end that Planning Board <br />investigations and plans may receive fullest consideration. <br />j) Establish advisory committees to assist it in its functions; <br />k) Perform all necessary actions in support of its duties and powers. <br />*2.2.12 Comprehensive Plan. Intent <br />*Amended <br />4 -4 -88 The Comprehensive Plan shall constitute an internally consistent and <br />compatible - statement of policies for the long -term, physical development <br />of that portion of Orange County under County jurisdiction. The <br />Comprehensive Plan shall consist of a statement of development policies <br />and shall include maps and text setting forth objectives, principles, <br />standards and plan proposals for physical development. The <br />Comprehensive Plan shall be comprised of the following individual <br />elements: <br />a) A land use element which designates the general distribution, <br />location, and extent of the uses of land for housing, business, <br />industry, open space, education, public buildings and grounds, and <br />other categories of public and private uses. <br />b) A transportation element which identifies the general location and <br />extent of existing and proposed major highways, scenic roads, <br />railroads, transit routes and facilities, bikeways and pedestrian <br />facilities, airports, and other public and private transportation <br />facilities. <br />c) A housing element which contains an evaluation of housing <br />problems and sets forth a program to alleviate unmet needs, <br />including standards and plans for the improvement of housing and <br />- -the - provision of adequate--sites for housing. - - <br />d) An open space element which identifies the location and extent of <br />existing and proposed open space for the preservation of natural <br />resources, the managed production of resources, outdoor <br />recreation, and public health and safety. <br />M <br />