Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Orange County, North Carolina <br />March 16, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />An audit of financial statements also includes obtaining an understanding of the entity and its environment, including <br />its intemal control, sufficient to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, and to design <br />the nature, timing, and extent of further audit procedures. An audit is not designed to provide assurance on intemal <br />control or to identify significant deficiencies or material weaknesses. However, we will communicate to management <br />and the audit committee, any significant deficiencies or material weaknesses that become known to us during the <br />course of the audit. <br />We will also communicate to the Board of County Commissioners (a) any fraud involving senior management and <br />fraud (whether caused by senior management or other employees) that causes a material misstatement of the <br />financial statements, (b) any fraud, illegal acts, violations of provisions of contracts or grant agreements and abuse <br />that come to our attention (unless they are clearly inconsequential), (c) any disagreements with management and <br />other serious difficulties encountered in performing the audit, and (d) various matters related to the entity's <br />accounting policies and financial statements. <br />In addition to our report on the County's financial statements, we will also issue the following reports or types of <br />reports: <br />A report on the fairness of the presentation of the County's schedule of expenditures of Federal and State awards <br />for the year ending June 30, 2009. <br />Reports on intemal control related to the financial sthtements, and major programs. These reports will describe <br />the scope of testing of intemal control and the results of our tests of intemal controls. <br />Reports on compliance with laws, regulations, and the provision of contracts or grant agreements. We will report <br />on any noncompliance which could have a material effect on the financial statements and any noncompliance <br />which could have a direct and material effect on each major program. <br />A schedule of findings and questioned costs. . <br />The funds that you have told us are maintained by the County and that are to be included as part of our audit are the <br />same as in the County's June 30, 2008 CAFR and are listed here: <br />• General fund <br />• Special revenue funds <br />• Capital project funds <br />• Enterprise funds <br />• Internal service fund <br />• Fiduciary funds <br />The federal and state financial assistance programs that you have told us that the County participates in and that are <br />to be included as part of the single audit compliance examination are the same as the ones in the Schedule of <br />Federal and State Awards and the State Single Audrt Implementation Act for the year ended June 30, 2008, included <br />in the County's June 30, 2008 CAFR. <br />The component units whose financial statements you have told us are to be combined with and included as part of <br />the County's basic financial statements is the Orange County ABC Board. The Orange County ABC Board will be <br />disclosed through discrete presentation as a component unit, as required by Governmental Accounting Standards <br />Board ("GASB"} 14. Another CPA Firm will audit the Orange County ABC Board. <br />