Orange County NC Website
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners recognized Ken <br />Chavious as the Outstanding County Finance Officer in 2003; and, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Orange County Board of Commissioners do <br />hereby recognize Ken Chavious for his hard work, dedication and exemplary <br />service to the people of Orange County. <br />This the 11th day of December 2007. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />c. Resolution Authorizing Contract to Purchase Real Property from Fred M. <br />Kirby <br />The Board considered a resolution authorizing Orange County's purchase of <br />approximately 145 acres of land from Fred M. Kirby for a future Northeast Orange district park <br />site subject to a conservation easement on the property granted to Triangle Land Conservancy <br />or granted to another qualified conservation organization and authorizing the Chair to sign, <br />subject to final review by staff and the County Attorney. <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director Dave Stancil said that this is a <br />purchase of approximately 145 acres of land from Fred M. Kirby for a future Northeast Orange <br />district park site subject to a conservation easement on the property granted to Triangle Land <br />Conservancy or granted to another qualified conservation organization. He said that when the <br />Parks and Open Space Bond was approved in 2001 by the voters, one of the key components <br />for the Lands Legacy portion, approximately one-third of the amount, was the acquisition and <br />land banking of park sites identified in the Recreation and Parks element of the <br />Comprehensive Plan. This area is consistent with the park plan and meets the criteria. This <br />site is within the Little River Watershed. If this site is approved, the staff would return to the <br />Board with a stewardship plan and a concept plan for the property. <br />Rich Shaw showed an aerial photo of the property, which fronts on Schley Road and <br />Mincey Road. There is a pond and there are no structures on the property. The site is also <br />known as the old Wilson Farm. The open land is fairly level. There are a couple of streams on <br />the property, and the forested areas are on the southwest portion of site and the western <br />boundary. He said that there are provisions for the property, such as no landfill or transfer <br />station, but a solid waste convenience center would be allowed. <br />The Triangle Land Conservancy has expressed interest in holding a conservation <br />easement for this property. The property will be land banked for a future district park. For the <br />short-term, staff will develop a stewardship plan for the site, including the possibility of leasing <br />the property for agricultural uses. A concept plan for a park will be brought to the Board during <br />the first quarter of 2008. The County is considering locating a solid waste convenience center <br />here, and this would be sited at the southern end of the property, with access from Mincey <br />Road. In 2008, a conservation easement would be granted to forever protect the site from a <br />landfill or a waste transfer station. The Triangle Land Conservancy would like to protect the <br />