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Commissioner Gordon said that she pulled this because it was a discussion item and <br />yet it was on the consent agenda. She noted the Planning Board discussion on this item. She <br />suggested a recommendation as follows: That the consultant would be relieved of deadlines <br />as noted in the original contract; that the consultant would charge no additional fees between <br />December 11th and the re-initiation of work; and the County Commissioners would consider re- <br />initiating the work in the first round of the implementation ordinances after the Comprehensive <br />Plan is complete, approximately Fall 2008. She asked if this would fix what the Planning <br />Board wanted. <br />Craig Benedict said that would cover it. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Nelson to <br />approve the language as stated above by Commissioner Gordon. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />t. Authorization to Submit Grant Request to N.C. Agricultural Development <br />and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund <br />The Board considered authorizing staff to make grant applications to the North Carolina <br />Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund by the December 14, 2007 <br />deadline. <br />Commissioner Gordon said this is a grant request for conservation easements and <br />agricultural enterprise funds for the shared value-added process center. She said that since <br />the County is not committing itself to any particular location, then the grant should be written to <br />that effect. The grant funds should be able to be used flexibly. <br />Ag Economic Development Coordinator Noah Rannells said that this is new funding <br />from the State and both projects are very competitive. With regard to submitting a grant that <br />allows for flexibility in location, his understanding is that a grant request such as that would not <br />get favorable reviews because any granting agency wants to know in detail what their funds <br />will do. If there was not a specific location identified, the proposal would be very weak. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the County has not committed to the Valley Forge site <br />in any way, and if the grant application is successful for this site, it will be a commitment for <br />this site. <br />Chair Jacobs suggested that it would be very easy to leave out of the application at this <br />point the mention of the building. There is a feasibility study going forward and Senator <br />Kinnaird scheduled a meeting for him with Commissioner Troxler, at which he encouraged <br />Orange County to apply for this grant. If the Board moves expeditiously on the CIP, there <br />should be more certainty on whether this building will be used or not. <br />Commissioner Foushee asked if the grant could be amended if this property were not <br />going to be used. Noah Rannells said probably. He said that the challenge is coming up with <br />the 30% match and determining the magnitude of the grant that can be applied for. <br />Commissioner Foushee said that the name of the building would not have to be left <br />out because it could be amended later if the grant were received. <br />Commissioner Carey asked about the reactions of other counties to a site in Orange <br />County. Noah Rannells said that it seems that all neighboring counties are supportive of this. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that the farm enterprise incubator should go into the <br />proposal also so there would not have to be buy-in from other entities. She wants to know <br />what the other counties are willing to pay also. <br />Noah Rannells said that, in his opinion, a grant proposal that tries to cover both <br />components would be difficult to write and he does not think that they would be reviewed <br />favorably because they are very different projects. <br />