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A motion was made by Chair Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve the <br />management agreement renewal with Recreation Factory Partners, Inc. through June 30, <br />2010, contingent upon attorney review of the renewal documents; and authorize the Chair to <br />sign on behalf of the Board. <br />John Stock said that when this partnership was originally done, his company had not <br />done partnerships before and this has been a pleasure. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />n. Use Agreement with KidsCope for Space at Northside <br />The Board considered authorizing the use of space at the Northside facility as program <br />space for KidsCope; and authorizing the Manager to negotiate and execute the agreement. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that he loves Kidscope but approval of this item is agreeing <br />to share this space or giving this to KidsCope before there is a policy in place. <br />Laura Blackmon said that the County has been allowing entities to use County facility <br />space without agreements in the past and sometimes without the approval of the Board of <br />County Commissioners as a whole. The use of the space is not pertaining to physically <br />locating the space as much as it is using it temporarily. The goal was to move KidsCope <br />forward. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that he wants the policy in place and he did not realize that <br />in the past there were no agreements. Purchasing and Central Services Director Pam Jones <br />said that Kidscope was under the auspices of OPC, so it was not with the County before. <br />Commissioner Nelson asked about assessing rent and Pam Jones said that it has not <br />been assessed yet. KidsCope has to be moved out of the the OPC building and into an <br />alternative space. KidsCope has agreed to upfit the space. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that it would be good to do help Kidscope. She would like <br />to explicitly address what is going to be done with the vacated space at Northside. The <br />Department on Aging has moved out and there is some space and land there. <br />Laura Blackmon said that staff has been meeting preliminarily about this space and the <br />space at the Northern Human Services Center. These are probably further along in the CIP, <br />probably three years. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she does not want to wait for three years. She wants <br />to decide what will be done with County space, especially vacated county buildings, and affirm <br />this in the CIP. <br />Pam Jones said that she agrees and this facility is fairly new to the County and was not <br />covered in the space study. One of the reasons is because it was recently vacated. There <br />have been some preliminary staff discussions, and there will be some larger scale <br />recommendations along with the space study for this facility. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked to be sent information on the square footage at Northside <br />via email. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Nelson, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br />authorize the Manager to negotiate and execute a space use agreement allowing KidsCope <br />the use of space in Building #1 at the Northside facility per the general terms outlined above. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />~ Strategic Growth -Rural Conservation (SGRC also known as TDR) <br />Consultant Implementation Update/Possible Contract Amendment <br />The Board received an update of the SGRC/TDR consultant work and considered a <br />contract amendment. <br />