Agenda - 12-11-2007 - 4z
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-11-2007
Agenda - 12-11-2007 - 4z
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Last modified
9/3/2009 8:49:21 AM
Creation date
4/16/2009 11:56:45 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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z <br />a set of final draft guidelines be brought back to the Board at the first regular Board meeting in <br />X008 for additional review~and approval. <br />Since the C~ctvber 9~ meeting, Andy Sachs with the dispute Settlement Center, with some <br />minima! organizational assistance from County staff, has been working to bang the various <br />interests together for discussion. Tv date, Mr. Sachs has invested eight and a half hours and <br />anticipates another ~~ hours prior to an upcoming mediation session. Following that meeting, <br />Mr. Sachs anticipates another ~-~ hours of follow-up work, including the drafting of a <br />Memorandum of Understanding. Mr. Sachs has requested an additional 15 hours of mediation <br />time to complete this effort. Mr. Sachs has also noted a charge of $85 an hour. <br />Rased vn the information above and Mr. Sachs' request, it is proposed that the Board approve <br />up to an additional 15 hours forthe mediation process. The cost for just the additional 15 hours <br />would be $1,2?5 x$85 per hour}. <br />FINANCI-4L l~[PACT: 0n October 9t~, the Board approved the pursuit of the mediation <br />process with the County paying 54°/° of the costs for mediation for up to 10 hours of mediation <br />preparation and actual meeting time. An estimated cost of approximately $?5 per hour fvr <br />mediation services potentially through the Dispute Settlement Center had been Hated in the <br />October 9~~ Board meeting materials. The total potential cost to the County at that time was up <br />to $3?5. <br />It is proposed that up to an additional 15 hours be added to the mediation timeframe and that <br />the cost per hour would be $85, making the potential total approved time 25 hours at $85 per <br />hour. The costs could total up to $2,1 Z5, with the County potentially being responsible far 54°/° <br />of this cast ~ $1,052.50. The other parkicipantslgroups would also need to commit to the <br />additional hours and paying the additional costs up to $1,44.54. <br />r~EC01~lI~ENDATIC3N~S~: The Manager recommends that the Board authorize up to an <br />additional 15 hours of mediation time through the Dispute Settlement Centerfar a fatal of up to <br />~5 hours of total mediation time, with the other participantslgroups being asked to commit to the <br />additional 15 hours, for a total of 25 hours fatal mediation time, and the associated cast. <br />
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