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^~ <br />438 <br />Chairman Garrett stated, "Would you like to read your whole motion again?" <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated, "Tn renewing the negotiation for the purchase <br />yr lease of the Northside property." <br />Commissioner Walker stated, "Read the whole motion then I think then you will <br />understand it better Mrs, Garrett." <br />Chairman Garrett stated, "Would you like to read your whole motion again?" <br />Commissioner Gustaveson stated, "I think down the road yo:1 are correct but at <br />this point the first step is really to go back to where we started in October, <br />as a member of the Committee to negotiate for the purchase of the lease of the <br />Northside property. Well, the first part is just simply the Orange County Board <br />of Commissioners reaffirm tv support of the Orange-Chatham-Person Mental Health <br />Board in its effort to provide adequate facilities for its services in the three <br />counties; and that this Board renew its efforts by continuing or renewing its <br />negotiations with the Chapel Hill school Board for the purchase or lease of the <br />Northside property." <br />(Comments of Commissioner Walker and Chairman Garrett are deleted £rom <br />the minutes at this point.) <br />Commissioner Walker stated, "I can't understand a Hoard that would proceed <br />with information like this, regardless of what has been said here tonight, 1 <br />c&nno-t see . <br />Chairman Garrett stated, Mr. Walker, T would like to say this, you first <br />received notification of that S61,OOO.OO.on October 8th. Why didn't you say <br />something if you were so concerned?" <br />Commissioner Walker replied, "Well, I feel, I say myself getting . <br />(This discussion ended at this point. The machine was either cut off or <br />something hapgened to the tape. THE. VERBATIM PORTION OF THIS TAPE ENDS HERE.) <br />Further discussion ensued. <br />chairman Garrett called for a vote on the motion. <br />Commissioners Garrett, Gustaveson, Pinney, aild ..Whitted voted aye. <br />Commissioner Walker voted nay. - <br />Chairman Garrett declared the motion passed. <br />A, B. Coleman, Jr., County Attorney, reported that he had.a conference with <br />Marion sanks, Assistant Attorney General concerning the meeting o.f M.arch 18th, <br />with respect to the appraising the UNC property and we have agreed to an informal <br />meeting. Mr'. Coleman stated that Mr. Banks would make a formal objection to the <br />property values that triad been placed on the t1NC lands; and there will be no ' <br />questioning of Mr. Laws, the Tax Supervisor. Mr. Coleman stated Mr. Laws would <br />present a list of the properties, identify it, and give the appraised value. Mr. <br />Coleman explained the Fermat that he planned to use in wor{ing with the Assistant <br />Attorney General. He stated that the legal question did involve whether or not <br />public lands could be taxed. However the use of these lands was the basis of. <br />the taxing policy. <br />It was understood between the County Attorney and the Board that it any <br />compromise was reached on. the matter that the Board would review the compromise prior <br />to any action being taken. <br />Discussion ensued. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was <br />adjourned. <br />Flora Garrett, Chairman <br /> <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk .~ <br />