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7 <br />• The Architect's Designated Representative identified in Paragraph 1a.3 shall be zuthorized <br />to act on the Architect's behalf ++~th respect to the Project. <br /> The Architect shall maintain the confidentiality of information specifically designated as <br />confidential by the Owner, unless withholding such information would ~~iolate the lativ, crea+x the <br />risk of significant harm to the public or pre~rent the Architect tom establishing a claim or defense <br />in an adjudicatory proceeding. The Architect shall require of the Architect's consultants similar <br />agreements to maintain the confidentiality of information specifically designated as confidential <br />by the Owner. <br /> Except with the O+yner's knowledge and consent, the Architect shall not engage in any <br />activit}; or accept any emplo}went, interest or contribution that ~+rould reasonably appear to <br />compromise the Architect's professional judgment ~,~ith respell to this Project. <br />7.23.6 The Architect shat review laws, codes, and regulations applicable to the Architect's <br />services. The Architect shall respond in the design of the Project to requirements imposed by <br />governmental authorities having jurisdiction o~*er the Project. <br />1.23.7 'fhe Architect shall be entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of ser~~ices and <br />information furnished by the Owner. The Architect shall pro+~ide prompt written notice to~the <br />O+vner iFthe Architect becomes aware of any errors, omissions or inconsistencies in such services <br />or infonnation. <br />ARTICLE 1.3 TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />• 13.1 COST OF THE WORK <br /> The Cost of the Work shall be the total cost or, to the extent the Project is not completed, <br />the estimated cost to the Owner of all elements of the Project designed or specified by the <br />Architect. <br />t3.1.2 The Cost of the ~'Jork shall include the cost at current market rates of labor and materials <br />furnished by the Owner and equipment designed, specified, selected or specially provided for by <br />the Architect, including the costs of management or supervision of construction or installation <br />prrn~ded by a separate construction manager or contractor, plus a reasonable allowance for their <br />rn~erhead and profit. In addition, a reasonable allowance for contingencies shall be included for <br />market conditions at the time of bidding and For changes in the Work <br />13.13 The Cost of the Mjork does not~indude the compensation of the Architect and the <br />Architect's consultants, the costs of the lazed, rights-of-++~ay and finandng or otr'ter costs that are <br />the responsibility of the O++~ner. <br />13.2 INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE <br />i t3.2.t Drawings, specifications and other documents, including those in electronic form, <br />t~l prepared by the Architect and the Architect's consultants are Instruments of Ser+rice for use sole- <br />~. ~ ly with respect to this Project. The Architect and the Architect's consultants shall be deemed the <br />oQ~,oo° authors and o+vners of then respective Instruments of Service and shall retain aIl cotumon law, <br />~ statutory and other reserved rights, including cop}rights. <br />®1997 AIA® <br />AtA DOCUMENT 6141-1997 <br />STANDARD FORM <br />AGREEMENT <br />The American Ins!itute <br />of Architects <br />7735 New York Avenue, N.W_ <br />Washington, D.C. 20005-5292 <br /> upon execution of this Agreement, the Architect grants to the O.vner a nonexclusive <br />license to reproduce the Architect's Instruments of Service solely far purposes of constructing, <br />using and main!aining the Project, provided that the Owner shall comply r+~ith al] obligations, <br />including prompt payment of all sums ~+~hen due, under this Agreement. The Architect shall <br />t1?'.tdS'nncC: Unlicensed photocopying violates US. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecoTion. <br />