Orange County NC Website
ARTICLE 1.1 INITIAL INFORMATION <br />1.1.1 This Agreement is based on the following information and assumptions. • <br />(;v'ote the disposition for the following items by iruertirg the requested infonnativn or a statement such as "not <br />appIicable," "unknown at time of execution" or"to he determined later by mutual agreement.") <br />1.1.2 PROJECT PARAMETERS <br /> 1'he objective or use is: <br />(Identify or describe, if appropriate, proposed rrse or goals.) <br />The projects will house a new Library and Departmental Offices for <br />the County of Orange. <br /> The physical parameters are: <br />(Identify or describe, if appropriate, size, locativrr, dimerrsiorts, or other pertinent information, <br />such as geotechnical reports about the site) <br /> The Owner's l7rogran~ is: <br />(Identify da:umentation or state the manner irr ++~Irich the progrwt will be developed.) <br />A Facility Program will be prepared for the departmental offices as designated <br />by Orange County to be located in the Office Building. The program for the <br />Library will be developed by a Library Consultant to be hired directly by <br /> T'he legal parameters are: Orange County. <br />(Identify pertinent legal information, including, if appropriate, tarot sun~eys and JegaI descriptions and <br />restrictions of the site.) <br /> The financial parameters are as follows. <br />.1 Amount of the Owner's overall budget for the Project, including the Architect's <br />compensation, is: <br />a Amount of the Owner's budget for the Cost of the Work, excluding the Architect's <br />compensation, is: <br />1.12.5 The time parameters are: <br />(Identify, if uppropriate, milestorre dotes, durations yr fast truck scheduling.) <br /> The proposed procurement or delivery method for the Project is: <br />(Identify method such as competitive bid, negotiated contrail, or construction nuurugenrertt.) <br />Construction Manager at Risk. <br /> Other parameters are: <br />(Identify special characteristics or needs of the Project such us energy, emrironnrentul or historic preservation <br />requirements.) <br />WArtidlNG: UnUcensed photocopying violates US. copyright laws and wiU subject the vblator ro legal prosecution. <br />IH~ <br />0 0 <br />o. .o <br />°o~3AO° <br />®1997 AIA~ <br />AIA DOCUMENT 8141-1497 <br />STANDARD FORM <br />AGREEMENT <br />The American Institute <br />of Architects <br />1735 New York Avenue, N.W. <br />Washington, D.C. 20006.524 <br />