Orange County NC Website
~~ <br /> <br />~J <br />• <br />C~~ <br />Engineered Designs, Irtc. <br />5540 Cerrterview Dr, Suite 3 15 <br />Raleip,~, NC 27606 <br />f'h. 9 t 4.851.8481 <br />Fax 9 19.851.9703 <br />August 7"', 2006 <br />Mr. George Norton <br />Teles~ Consfrudion Management Company <br />1000 Corporate Dr., Suite 109 <br />Hillsborough. NC 27278 <br />RE: Gateway Center -Office Building #2 <br />Dear George, <br />Thank you for your interest in obtaining our services for the above referenced project. Based on our <br />discussions last week, we understand the project scope of services m irxiude the plumbing, electrical, and <br />HVAC design for amulti-story office building. Below is our understanding of the scope for this building: <br />Gatewa~BuildinQ #2 (46.000 sq. ft.. multiple stories) .....................................................$67,600.00 <br />This building wr71 be designed with the following services: <br />^ Meetings as required 1n gather design information. <br />^ Design of plumbing waste, vent, and water prptng systems and fixture selection, etc. for a complete <br />plumbing system for the restrooms and brrak-morns on each floor. A secondary waste system to <br />be used for grey-water" reuse wib be designed for the waste system from all siNcs. NOTE: All <br />services will temrinate 5' from building. ff is assumed a Civil Engineer will continue the roofing of <br />services from this point outward.) <br />^ Design of e4ectrical power system for budding. Design wdl include main eladrical service sizing, <br />lighting layout and circuitry, receptacle layout and dreuitry, emergency arxf exit lighting layout, <br />panel sdiedules, main riser diagram. connected load summary, and details. <br />^ Design of secondary systems to include location of termination points for phone, network and <br />cable systems, based on input of requiremer:ts by owner. Design wi6 not include detailed wiring <br />diagrams for any of these systems. It is assumed detailed wiring diagrams will be provided by <br />vendor for each system.} <br />^ HVAC design including thermal load calculations, unit selection and placement, dud routing and <br />sung, details, and specifications. Design wdl conform to 2002 Medianical Code for ventilation <br />requiremerrts. <br />^ Design of Fire alarm system including kxation of hom and strobe devices in accordance vrith NEC <br />requtremerm, battery calctations, and perfom~ance spe6fication for fire alarm system. <br />^ Preparing the budding for corviection of an emergency generator for the futax+e will be included in <br />the scope of the design. This will irx:~de determination of generator load, pane) design, and sizing <br />and spedfimtion of an Autornamc Transfer Switch. <br />O Spedfrcations on drawings. <br />Some items not included in the fee listed above are as follows: <br />^ Construction Administration Services (NOTE: ff is ~sumed all services after completion of design <br />and issuance of permits will be considered as additional services and will be billed in xcordarxe <br />with the attached rate schedule.) <br />^ Building secorxlary electrical system design such as inter[om, network, phone, etc. <br />^ Speaalty Lighting destgn <br />^ Site Lighting design <br />~~ <br />