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March 3, 1975 - continued <br />t~ <br />stating that the absence of Board representation does not show a lack of interest in the <br />matter. <br />The County Attorney stated that he had been asked to chair the meeting. The $oard <br />requested Mr. Coleman to present in their behalf appropriate remarks. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Section B of Item X15 on the Agenda: (Possible County <br />Ordinance Regulation Developmait on Lots of Less Than 40,000 Square Feet.) <br />Hezekiah Dobson and Tony Laws, Sanitarians for the District Health Department urged <br />the Board to adopt an Ordinance requiring 40,000 square feet fox all lots. Discussion <br />ensued. <br />The County Attorney was present with a copy of an Ordinance that had been prepared <br />when the matter was first brought to the attention of the Board. ' <br />The County Attorney was requested to review the 40,000 square feet Ordinance. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the specific desire of the Board relative to the pro- <br />posed 40,000 square feet and its application. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Section C of Item ~~15 on the Agenda: (Discharge of <br />Firearms.) <br />Discussion ensued on this matter and the Board agreed to postpone any further <br />discussion until March 18, 1975. <br />Chairman Garrett referred to Section D of Item gp15 on the Agenda: (Insurance for <br />Individual Commissioners) . <br />The County Attorney was requested to secure information on the type of insurance <br />that is available for Orange County. Further discussion was postponed until March 10, <br />1975. <br />The matter of Civil Preparedness and appointment to Carrboro Board of Adjustments <br />was deferred until March 10, 1975. <br />The Board inquired of the County Administrator as to what was the position of the <br />County relative to the hiring of a County Planner. <br />Mr. Gattis stated that a Planner had been hired and that he would begin work <br />almost immediately.. <br />An inquiry was made as to whether or not the County had advertised for a Recrea- <br />tion Director. <br />Mr. Gattis stated that advertisements had been placed in the various Trade Journals. <br />Cotmnissioner Whitted requested the $oard members to reserve the date of April 17, <br />1975, for a joint meeting with the Mental Health Board and with the County $oards in <br />tYe District. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned <br />to meet again on Monday. March 10, 1975, at 8 p.m., in the Commissioners Room of the <br />Courthouse in Hillsborough, N. C. <br />~~~~ \~®.? 1 <br />Flora Garrett, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />MINUTES OF THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OE' COMMISSIONERS <br />Wednesday, March 5, 1975 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Orange County met in joint session with <br />the Hillsborough Town Board at 7:3D p..m. on Wednesday, March 5, 1975, in the <br />Hillsborough Town Hall. A11 membersrere present. Also present were Hillsborough <br />Mayor Fred Cates and Town Commissioners John Roberts, Arthur Crabtree, Ralph <br />Neighbors, Jack Martin and Allen Lloyd. <br />This special session was held to discuss with staff members of the Triangle <br />J Council of Governmenks the best method of going about the starting the Hillsborough <br />__ Area 201 study. <br />Mr. Jim Michar, Chief of the Triangle J 206 Study section introduced to the <br />Boards the staff members he had brought with him to discuss the 2D1 and 20$ programs <br />as they related to Prange County and the Hillsborough area. They were Mark Burnham, <br />Peter French, Ray Green, Frank Chamberlain and Linda Owens. <br />Mr..French discussed water course pollution From "point" sources (Discharge <br />from sewer pr other plants) and explained the steps involved in the 201 process: <br />A. Define an area. <br />B. Receive a study grant from the State (or other source) <br />