NS Contract - Strategic Growth Rural Conservation Consultant Implementation Update Amendment
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NS Contract - Strategic Growth Rural Conservation Consultant Implementation Update Amendment
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Last modified
4/27/2011 12:35:19 PM
Creation date
4/15/2009 4:57:00 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Orange County Transfer of Development Rights Feasibility Study 9 - ' <br />Phase III Scope of Services (8.31.2006) <br />Scope of Services and Deliverables <br />As noted below the "Client" is Oran e Count North C rolin n its f • t • <br />g y, a a a d s to f, he <br />"Consultant" is The Louis Berger Group, Inc, and the UNC-Charlotte Urban <br />Institute. <br />A. Select Program Design Options <br />1.Detailed Economic Evaluation. Conduct an in-depth economic valuation <br />assessment on Receiving Area design options to include more detailed <br />information on valuation on properties and tax assessment data. The Client <br />will provide the Consultant with land pricing in orma Ion In a parse Igl a <br />format to conduct this analysis: The purpose of this sub-Task is to determine <br />if there is a real market to build at higher densities than currently allowed in <br />unincorporated areas of Orange County, and if TDR is expected to make a <br />difference in that trend. <br />2.Four (4) Meetings/Work Sessions: Program Design. Conduct one, one-hour <br />meeting with the Orange County Board of County Commissioners; and <br />two, three-hour work sessions with key departmental staff (the first hour of <br />the first session of which will include Planning Board members to familiarize <br />them with the process and gain their input) to prioritize Program. Design <br />options based on TDR's interoperability with existing programs and <br />initiatives, emphasizing the Lands Legacy Program and the Comprehensive <br />Plan Update. The Consultant will conduct and facilitate these meetings; the <br />Client will provide meeting space and support. One week prior to the <br />meeting, the Consultant will provide an agenda to the Client and <br />communicate refinements via telephone. The Client will distribute the <br />agenda to participants in advance of the meeting. <br />3.Working Group Meeting # 1. The Client and Consultant will conduct one (1) <br />Working Group meeting to provide input into the selection of Program <br />Design options based on the results of sub-Tasks A. ] and A.2. The Client will <br />provide summary minutes of this meeting and be responsible for <br />coordinating meeting space and support. The Consultant will provide an <br />agenda one (1) week in advance of the Working Group Meeting. <br />4.Technical Report No. 1: TDR Program Design. The Consultant will make <br />recommendations in consultation with Planning Staff on the selection of a <br />specific Program Design based on all of the above considerations. The <br />Consultant will provide five copies of a Technical Report which will include <br />a summary, detailed recommendations on a TDR Program for Orange <br />County including a map or criteria set for identifying Sending and <br />Receiving Areas, and appendices that address findings and discussions <br />from staff and Working Group meetings. If appropriate and requested by <br />the Client, a flowchart identifying the work flow of a typical TDR transaction <br />will also be provided in this Technical Report. The Consultant will update the <br />Page 9 <br />
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