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~~~ <br />Mr. Giles stated that "In this case you are dealing with the taxability of land <br />that the state has now acquired by you dealing with its tax status prior to its <br />acquisition when it was awned by the Nature Conservancy for preservation and <br />conservation gurposes.. ultimately to be conveyed to the State of North Carolina <br />as part of our purchase arrangement. We not only pay them what they pay for the <br />property, we also reimburse them for any cost which includes taxes, therefore, <br />we are going to foot the tax bill if you all rule that its taxable. It is our <br />con*_ention that the_property was not taxab'.e on January 1, 1974, by virture <br />of a statutory exemption. That is G.S. 105.275(12), which holds that real property <br />owned by a non-profit corporation or association exclusively held or used 'ay its owner <br />for educational and scientific purposed as protected natural area. This is the <br />exclusion. For purposes of the subdivision `he .term protected natural area means <br />a nature reserve or park in which all types of wild nature, flora, fauna, biotic <br />communties are preserved £or observation and study. We contend that this statutory <br />provision requires a passive use of the property. Namely, it has got to be pre- <br />served so that scientific and educational studies may be made of the area. And <br />this was precisely what was done with the properties acquired by the Nature <br />Conservancy during the.time which they held title to it. I have before me and <br />I will let you all look this over, this is a one year study of a portion Of the <br />property conducted by Duke University for various departments within Duke <br />University primarily on the Sernheim tract which is a 89.9 acre tract which is <br />one of the tracts in question. I might add that when we got ready to acquire <br />these properties we had a title examined by various County Attorneys. Several <br />of these attorneys concluded that the property was not taxable by virture of this <br />provision. When it came to our office (Attorney General), our office reached <br />the same conclusion. This same conclusion has been concurred in by Mr. Doug <br />Holbrook, who is the head of the ad-valorem section of the Department of Revenue <br />and likewise concurred in by Mr. Henry Lewis of the Institute of Government. <br />Mr. Lewis and Mr. Holbrook drafted this statute specifically with the Nature <br />Conservancy in mind,. and specifically for the purpose of exempting property <br />held by the Nature Conservancy for preservation and conservation purposes to <br />exclude those from taxes." <br />Discussion ensued and :the Board heard from Margaret Nygard and Duncan <br />Herron and A. T. (Sandy) Davison. <br />The County Administrator advised the 3oard that the Sheriff had the <br />opportunity to apply fqr a LEEA grant. This grant would 'ae a training grant <br />in the amount of $21,0O0,however, the deadline for the grant application was <br />within the next few days. <br />Mr. Gattis stated that this is basically a training grant for personnel <br />and that the cost to the county would be less than, $200. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Pinney, <br />it was moved and adopted, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the LEEA <br />grant application.. :. . <br />UNABLE TO OBTAIN COPY OF NEEDED RESOLUTION <br />1 <br />Chairman Garrett advised the Board that somebody wha was speaking in behalf <br />of the University in the matter of the taxation of the University property has <br />asked the 5oard to postpone the hearings of February 18th. Chairman Garrett <br />advised the Board that she had discussed the matter with the County Administrator <br />and we were suggesting a 30-day postponement until our mid-March meeting which <br />would also be March 18th meeting. <br />Mr. Coleman advised the Board that he had contacted Chairman Garrett because <br />he had received a phone call from Mr. Marion Banks of the Attorney General's <br />Office and he's got to be in court somewhere on the 1Bth:_ Mr, Banks requested <br />that he be notified of the date of postponement. Mr, Coleman advised that Mr. <br />Banks stated that he would be glad to forward a written waiver of any further <br />notice. <br />The County Administrator advised that E. B. Denny, Attorney for the Town of <br />Chapel Hi11, was willing for the postponement as long as they would postpone also <br />the hearing before the Town of Chapel Hill. He did not want the Chapel Hill <br />hearing to occur until after the county hearing had taken place. And that <br />likewise while he isn't speaking for the Town of Carrbaro, he would like for that <br />hearing to be postponed again so all the hearings, so to speak,are handled <br />here (before the Board) before it comes out in Chapel Hill or Carrboro. Mr. <br />Coleman replied that he would convey this sentiment to Mr, Banks that all three <br />(3) governmen~al units any and all notices is waived. <br />The Board advised Mr. Coleman that they wished to hold this hearing on <br />Tuesday, March 18, 197$, <br />Mr. Laws presented the appeal from Highland Woods Recreation Association. <br />This property is designated as Tax Map 54, BL A, Lt 4, assessed value $6,500, <br />Mr, Laws stated that this request was denied on a presumption that the use of this <br />recreational -lot '.was:.restricted to residents of the Highland Woods community or <br />members of the Association and that therefore the property could not be considered <br />a "public" park, <br />