Minutes - 20090212
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 20090212
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/15/2016 1:58:04 PM
Creation date
4/15/2009 9:29:30 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 02-12-2009 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2009\Agenda - 02-12-2009
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2000's\2009\Agenda - 02-12-2009
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Agenda - 02-12-2009 - Attachment 1
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Agenda - 02-12-2009 - Attachment 2
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Agenda - 02-12-2009 - Attachment 3
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Agenda - 02-12-2009 - Attachment 4
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Agenda - 02-12-2009 - Attachment 5
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session March 51h and March 24th and the staff will be bringing back the impact statements for <br /> the service reductions. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that he wanted to make sure that there is a place in the <br /> process that the Board of County Commissioners is not just reacting to impact statements from <br /> the staff. Laura Blackmon said that this is designed for all to have more discussion. <br /> In answer to a question from Commissioner Pelissier, Donna Coffey said that dollar <br /> amounts will also be attached to the impact statements. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about eliminating programs that might eliminate people. <br /> He wants to signify that there are people involved. Laura Blackmon said that they have <br /> discussed the difficulties and the human element is a part of the consideration. Her goal is to <br /> meet the public service needs with the least impact on the workforce. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that the staff should be as specific as possible concerning <br /> what the priorities are and what is proposed to be cut. She suggested giving performance <br /> measures. <br /> Donna Coffey agreed and said that there will be a matrix coming back in March, which <br /> can also be used in the future. The cuts being discussed are permanent in nature. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she read about the UNC furlough programs and she <br /> asked if the County has the authority to do this if the budget shortfall becomes significantly <br /> worse. Staff did not know the answer to this question. Donna Coffey said that there are a lot of <br /> governments going to a four-day work week. If the County did this, it would not save a lot <br /> because the County provides core services and it has to be open five days a week. She said <br /> that the Board could consider a rolling four-day work week. <br /> 3. BOCC FY 2009-10 Budget Decisions and Guidance <br /> Donna Coffey made reference to Attachment 3 (goldenrod sheets). <br /> With the way that the debt is structured with what the Board approved on February 3rd <br /> there will be no impact on next year's budget for debt. <br /> 1. Tax Rate— Increase or no increase in revenue neutral rate <br /> Chair Foushee said that she is supporting no increase in the revenue neutral rate and <br /> the Board agreed by consensus. <br /> 2. Debt Service— Plan issuance of debt to minimize fiscal impact on FY 2009-10 by <br /> postponing issuance for Office/Library and CHCCS Elementary#11 until July 2009. <br /> Donna Coffey said that the increase from this debt will be seen in 2010-11. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that this would be forcing a tax increase the following year, <br /> and he would rather be up front. He does not want to back into that decision. He wants to be <br /> transparent. <br /> Donna Coffey said that the public can be made aware of things that are on the horizon. <br /> Increase in debt service in 2010-11 could be as much as $3.3 million. <br /> Laura Blackmon said that there may be some stimulus money and it will also take a <br /> couple of years to transition out of some County programs. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the whole issue of school funding is a perfect example of <br /> how fluid this situation really is. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if the CHCCS Elementary#11 debt could be issued in <br /> January 2010. Donna Coffey said that if the County's debt management policy says the debt <br /> cannot be more than 15% of the general fund, then there is a possibility that if the budget <br /> remains the same or lower, the debt service may be more than 15%. She said that staff has <br /> talked to the LGC about this, and as long as this is only a blip it would be alright. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he has trouble with issuing debt for something the <br /> County may not be able to build. Chair Foushee agreed. <br />
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