Orange County NC Website
crew of three full-time staff that will operate the park as well as other parks. There will also be <br /> additional seasonal staff. <br /> Chair Foushee said that it seems that since the MOU is predicated on these five items, <br /> then the boards are not ready to move forward on the MOU. The boards agreed. <br /> b) Update on Riverwalk <br /> Margaret Hauth said that this concept is to create a greenway along the Eno River that <br /> connects the park behind the courthouse to Occoneechee State Natural Area along the river. <br /> Phase 1 connects to Gold Park. The Town is nearly ready to acquire the last piece of property <br /> that is needed. <br /> c) Update on Gold Park <br /> Margaret Hauth said that Saturday, March 21St, the Town is planning to have a ribbon <br /> cutting for this park. The park includes 24 acres given to the Town by the Gold family to <br /> construct this park. <br /> 2. Interlocal Agreement for Hillsborough Strategic Growth Plan - Phase II — Report <br /> from the Interlocal Agreement Committee <br /> Margaret Hauth introduced Roger Waldon with Clarion and Associates, who has been <br /> helping with this second phase of the Strategic Growth Plan. <br /> Roger Waldon thanked Eric Hallman and Commissioner Jacobs for their leadership on <br /> this steering committee. He said that the inter-jurisdictional work is great in Orange County and <br /> it is a model. He made reference to the brief summary in the packet. He said that the key point <br /> is establishing an urban services area for Hillsborough. He said that there were a number of <br /> public information sessions and he was pleased with the reaction. He pointed out the Summary <br /> of Recommendations (in attachment 2): <br /> Summary of Recommendations <br /> The key points in the recommendations: <br /> - Adjustments would be made to Hillsborough's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction boundary <br /> that would remove existing Extraterritorial Jurisdiction designations in areas where <br /> Hillsborough is not likely to grow, and expand Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in places <br /> where it does not now exist but which are directly in the path of Hillsborough's near- <br /> term growth. The proposed shifts would represent generally equivalent acreage <br /> being added and taken away. <br /> - A boundary for Hillsborough's growth and annexation would be established. <br /> - Boundaries would be drawn for areas of joint review of development proposals. <br /> Craig Benedict pointed out areas on the map of the potential urban services area. <br /> Craig Benedict said that in all of the blue, orange, and white areas, there would be a <br /> joint land use plan and there would be agreement about what uses would be in those areas. <br /> Roger Waldon said that this has been good planning and the hope is that the two <br /> boards would consider the agreement and the map. <br /> Craig Benedict reiterated that this is an agreement to do something and not putting <br /> lines on a map or changing land uses or zoning at this time. <br />