Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Communication with Public <br />1. Staff will let the board know the answers to questions asked by citizens at <br />board meetings. <br />2. Create standard time period for responding to public. <br />3. Identify the responses and make clear the petitioner gets the response. <br />4. Be proactive. Provide information to citizens in advance. <br />5. Consider implementing the above recommendations in stages. <br />Retreat Evaluation <br />Worked well: <br />1. Board members feel prepared to talk about the 2009-2010 budget. There <br />was good discussion about issues and the board is clear about the <br />direction it is going. <br />2. The subcommittee's advance work with facilitators to define outcomes <br />and create the agenda was very helpful. <br />Needs improvement for future: <br />1. Request that agenda and materials for the retreat be sent out by <br />Wednesday before the Saturday retreat to give board members time to <br />review and provide input. Also send out items to be handed out at the <br />meeting. <br />2. If there are changes to the agenda agreed upon at the last retreat, <br />please let board members know to optimize department heads <br />attendance. Board members voiced concern that department heads <br />gave up their Saturday to be at the meeting and want to be sure the <br />department heads' time is maximized. <br />Future Issues to Address <br />1. Impact of Medicaid swap on Orange County. Commissioners asked <br />Laura to flag pages 10 and 11 of the budget overview document for <br />discussion at the upcoming legislative breakfast. The board would also <br />like to talk with legislators about the impact of cutting public school <br />building funds on the county's operations. <br />2. Tax increase on bonds. Board members asked Laura to check on the <br />past promise of a tax increase of no more than 7'/~ cents as a result of <br />2001 bond issue. <br />3. School funding. <br />a. In order to make decisions about school funding allocations, the <br />board would like to know what the impact would be of reducing <br />4 <br />8 <br />