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DRAFT <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETINGS <br />PROPOSAL: ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA WILL BE DISCUSSED BY THE <br />BOARD AFTER THE ITEMS ON THE DECISION AGENDA ARE ADDRESSED. <br />(Below are general initial thoughts provided by staff for reference purposes as necessary. They should not be <br />considered as comprehensive.) <br />PROS CONS <br />1-a. By discussing items removed from the Consent 2-a. An item removed from Consent (that may or may <br />agenda after the Decision agenda, the Board not be time-sensitive) for discussion after the <br />would move more expeditiously to the principal Decision agenda would POSSIBLY not be <br />discussion items on the Decision portion of the addressed at the meeting due to the length of the <br />agenda. Decision agenda, time constraints, and the 10:30 <br /> adjournment rovision. <br />1-b. A County resident, an advisory board member, an 2-b. A County resident, an advisory board member, an <br />elected official/representative from another entity, elected official/representative from another entity, <br />or some other interested individual at the meeting or some other interested individual at the meeting <br />for a Decision item would not have to wait for for a Consent item (and who may or may not want <br />items removed from the Consent agenda to be to sign up and speak on the Consent item) would <br />discussed. wait until after the Decision agenda for Board <br /> discussion/action if their item of interest was <br /> removed from the Consent a enda. <br />1-c. The delay of items removed from the Consent 2-c. Conversely, the delay of items removed from the <br />agenda until after the Decision agenda diminishes Consent agenda until after the Decision agenda <br />the potential opportunity to put off discussion of enhances the potential opportunity to put off <br />Decision agenda items. Under current practice, discussion of Consent agenda items. Under the <br />by removing an item or items from the Consent proposal, a Board member could theoretically have <br />agenda and the Board immediately investing time the potential opportunity to delay discussion of a <br />with questions and discussion, a Board member Consent agenda item. Removing an item from the <br />can theoretically attempt to preclude discussion of Consent agenda, with a significant number of items <br />Decision agenda items appearing later on the on the Decision portion of agenda, could preclude <br />agenda. This is due to time constraints and the discussion of the removed Consent agenda item <br />10:30 adjournment provision. The delaying of later in the meeting. This would be due to time <br />discussion on removed Consent items reduces the constraints and the 10:30 adjournment provision. <br />potential opportunity to preclude discussion of The delaying of discussion on removed Consent <br />Decision agenda items. items provides a potential opportunity to preempt <br /> discussion of a removed Consent item at the <br /> meetin . <br />ao <br />