Orange County NC Website
X25 <br />2. Lacy 0, and Lois Wilkerson.:. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry S. Walker, seconded by <br />commissioner Melvin Whitfield, it was moved and adapted,ithat <br />the foregoing plat be approved. <br />3. James Baker: <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Melvin Whitfield, seconded by <br />Commissioner Henry S. Walker, it was moved and adopted, that <br />the foregoing plat be approved. <br />4. Final Plat of Section 6, ~'a11s of New Hope: <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Henry 5. Walker, seconded by <br />Commissioner Melvin Whitfield, it was moved and adopted, that <br />the foregoing plat be approved subject tp the posting of a <br />bond to guarantee completion of the roads shown on the plat. <br />Chairman Walker anonnced this was the time and place for the public hearing <br />on "An Ordinance Relating To Public Recreation and Parks for Orange County." <br />Chairman Walker stated th"at he would ask the proponents of the proposed <br />Public Recreation and Park Ordinance to speak first and then he would request <br />that the opponents of the proposed to speak. <br />Rev. William Richardson spoke in favor of the proposed Ordinance and he <br />said he was present to represent the young people of the area. Gray Clark, <br />Minister of the Little River Presbyterian Church, stated that he was present as <br />a representative of the Orange County Ministerial Association and he was head <br />of the Youth Ministry of the Piedmont area, and that kie wished to speak in favor <br />of the proposed Recreation and Park Ordinance. . <br />A. C. Crowder, Assistant Superintendent of Orange County Schools, spoke in <br />support o£ the proposed Ordinance. Mr. Crowder sited his two (2) years experience <br />with the Summer Recreational programs as evidence of the need. <br />Edward Mann Jr., Chairman of the County Recreation Study Committee, spoke <br />in favor of the proposed Ordinance. Donald Cox stated that he was present as a <br />representative of the Eno River Association and as a member of the Resource <br />conservation and Development Committee, and the Wildlife Club, and that he wished <br />to speak in support of the proposed Admendment. Mr. Cox stated that the Eno <br />River and other areas of the County offered Natural Recreat~.onal areas for the <br />citizens of the County. <br />Chairman Walker then inquired if there was anyone present who wished to speak <br />in apposition to the proposed Public Recreation .and Park Ordinance. No on came <br />forth'te speak in apposition to the proposed Public Recreation and Park Ordinance. <br />Chairman Walker then closed the Public Hearing on the Ordinance entitled <br />"AN ORpINANCE RELATING TD PUBLIC RECREATION AND PARKS FOR ORANGE COUNTY".. <br />Chairman Walker then reconized Don Guthrie. Mr. Guthl'ie identified himself <br />as the Pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church. Mr. Guthrie stated that he wished <br />to file a petition that contained 64 signatures and that said petition the <br />County's purchasing property from James Bennett that would be used as a Dog <br />Pound. <br />"We:.the undersigned people wish to oppose the building of a <br />dog pound on state road 1161, Due to the cemetery and trailer park <br />and church and other homes near the site." <br />Chairman Walker referred the Board to Ttem #4 on the Agenda: (A delegation <br />from the Piney Mountain Road Area to discuss additien of a portion of this road <br />to the State System.J <br />Mrs. Mary Brooks stated that the residents of the road off of Piney Mountain <br />Road had submitted a road petition for state maintenance and that the Board of <br />Transportation had advised them that if the road was brought up to the State <br />standards then the Board of Transportation would as@ume the maintenance on the <br />said road. She stated that the residents spent three thousands dollars ($3,000) <br />in bringing the road up to State requirments and the State did not assume the <br />- maintenance of the said road and now the read had deteriorated and the State <br />i would not assume the maintenance until the road was again brought back up to <br />State standards. Mrs. Brooks stated that she felt that this was not the <br />responsibilty of the residents in that the petition for maintenance had been <br />.. placed in an inactive file and the error was not discovered until the residents <br />made inquiry into the matter. The Clerk was instructed to write the Board of <br />Transportation and request that they review the matter and that they consider <br />offering some assistance to the residents of Farrington Driva, Martha Road, and <br />Emily Road. <br />t <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item #5 on the Agenda: (Resolution relating <br />to Master Plan B Of the Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority. ) <br />