Orange County NC Website
d. Assess the location and adequacy of each facility equipment volunteers: A map is provided <br />without commentary, it seems volunteers live throughout the district. <br />e. Demand level and range of Service: Daytime response coverage is an issue -but not <br />explained. <br />f. Response times: Not addressed <br />g. Population: Not addressed <br />h. Value of structure: The district is valued at $286,936,000. Site market or accounting value is <br />not addressed. <br />i. Level of risk: Not addressed <br />j. Age and adequacy of vehicles and equipment: A full apparatus was not explained. A tanker <br />needs to be replaced in the future at a cost of about $750,000. Funds for 800MHz radios are <br />needed. <br />k. Adequacy of volunteers and staff 28 members with an average tenure of 14 years, many of <br />which are trained and certified as medical first responders. Nearly half the department's calls <br />are health related. <br />1. Population centers and projected growth areas: Not addressed <br />m. Any gaps affecting services and critical areas to be addressed: Dispatches from Emergency <br />Communications are troublesome. New 800MHz radios will not solve the problem. <br />n. Any changes in the facility configuration: The station needs expansion and renovation, <br />specifically larger bays. <br />o. Recommend a strategy for addressing longer-term demands within the county: Not addressed <br />p. Countywide public education programs on public safety and being self suff cient in disasters: <br />Not addressed <br />q. Identify the population in the unincorporated areas of Orange County served: <br />r. Opportunities to improve eff ciency, reduce cost, or improve the overall service: SAGE <br />recommends hiring one person to serve 8-10 hours a day on weekdays. Sage recommends <br />raising taxes to add $43,000 to cover upgrades and additional personnel. <br />s. Provide an estimated cost (operating and capital) of recommended solutions or alternative <br />solutions proposed: See point r <br />t. How the county can involve Fire and Rescue Departments in processes and programs that <br />affect operational issues: SAGE recommends reconfiguring the district line with Orange <br />Grove. The county should not lower taxes after property reassessments to maintain financial <br />stability. The county should improve communications by imposing a small tax to assist <br />departments with purchasing 800MHz radios and Computer Aided Dispatch. Expanded on in <br />the final section "Countywide Recommendations." <br />u. Review ISO ratings and how county can assist Fire departments: Current ISO rating of 9S <br />can be reduced by certifying and documenting water sources. <br />v. Identify countywide training facility need and specific training standards: Not addressed <br />w. Ident~ opportunities where County can assist the Volunteer Departments with required <br />paperwork and administrative issues: With other departments, White Cross needs help with <br />grants and administrative issues. <br />~ 18 <br />