Orange County NC Website
Orange Rural (Hillsborough) <br />Summarv <br />Orange Rural operates in mutual assistance to its neighbors. 6000 people are concentrated in <br />Hillsborough. Orange Rural has a property value of $946,502,000. Station One in Downtown <br />Hillsborough, Station Two (substation) is in a rural area and houses apparatus. The map shows <br />volunteers are clustered around the town and some in the rural areas (the report does not explain <br />this). Thirty volunteers and 13 paid staff provide full coverage, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. <br />By 2011, Station One will no longer meet department needs. Traffic in the town of Hillsborough <br />can reduce response time. Interstate 40 and 85 cross the district, leading to accidents and <br />hazardous material exposure. <br />Apparatus is given with age and capacity, for a very adequate total water capacity to structure <br />fires of 5,650 gallons of water. Hydrants in Hillsborough provide additional help. The EE1 <br />Tanker and Aerial need to be replaced in 3 to 6 years, costing from $750,000 to $5,000,000. <br />SAGE recommends the Department continues to plan with the Town for options of a long-term <br />agreement or operations without an agreement. Volunteer should be scheduled for day, evening <br />and weekends to maximize the benefits of paid staff. <br />Issues Not Addressed: <br />1. Weakness of current and planned configuration and operation <br />2. Demand level and range of service <br />3. Population centers and projected growth areas <br />4. Recommend a strategy for addressing longer-term demands within the county <br />5. Countywide public education programs on public safety and being self sufficient in disasters <br />6. Identify the population in the unincorporated areas of Orange County served <br />7. Provide an estimated cost (operating and capital) of recommended solutions or alternative <br />solutions proposed <br />8. Identify countywide training facility need and specific training standards <br />9. Identify opportunities where County can assist the volunteer departments with required <br />paperwork and administrative issues <br />List of Original Needs <br />a. Effectiveness, appropriateness, demand, and response capability: Orange rural operates in <br />mutual assistance to its neighbors. <br />b. Strength of current configuration and operations: Paid staff cover the stations 24 hours a <br />day. <br />c. Weakness of current and planned configuration and operation: Not addressed <br />d. Assess the location and adequacy of each facility equipment volunteers: Station #1 in <br />downtown Hillsborough, Station #2 is in a rural area and houses apparatus. The map shows <br />volunteers are clustered around the town and some in the rural areas, but the report does not <br />explain this. <br />e. Demand Level and range of Service: Not addressed <br />f. Response times: Traffic in the town of Hillsborough can reduce response time. <br />g. Population: 6000 people concentrated in the town. <br />15 1 <br />