Agenda - 04-07-2009 - Info 2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-07-2009
Agenda - 04-07-2009 - Info 2
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/6/2009 5:01:52 PM
Creation date
4/6/2009 5:01:48 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Info Item 2
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Minutes - 20090407
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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Efland <br />Summary <br />Cedar Grove, Orange Rural (Hillsborough) and Orange Grove provide mutual support. The <br />current station adequately serves the district. Close proximity to Interstate 85/40, State Highway <br />70 and a rail line can lead to accidents and hazardous material exposure, as well as commercial <br />operations and agriculture land. There are 3000 tight knit residents. The district has an assessed <br />property value of $642,973,000. <br />The current apparatus are detailed and can provide a capacity of 3,500 gallons of water to a <br />structure fire, which meets the standards of rural water supply. The department is well staffed <br />and has stable volunteers given 38 active members with an average tenure of 10.13 years, and <br />service of administrators. <br />The report mentions that the district has a debt of $228,400 with a loan payment of $27,000. <br />Increasing the tax rate for $96,000 will fund more staffing and help purchase 800MHz radios. A <br />recruiting program to increase volunteers is suggested and use of Chapel Hill Fire-rescue <br />facilities but costs are not discussed. Efland reduced the ISO rating from 9S to 7. A rating of six <br />can be reached by additional training, training record keeping recruiting additional staff members <br />and retaining one more pump. <br />Issues Not Addressed: <br />1. Response times <br />2. Any gaps affecting services and critical areas <br />3. Countywide public education programs on public safety and being self sufficient in disasters. <br />4. Population in the unincorporated areas of Orange County served <br />List of Original Needs <br />a. Effectiveness, appropriateness, demand, and response capability: Cedar Grove, Orange <br />Rural (Hillsborough) and Orange Grove provide mutual support. The current station <br />adequately serves the district. <br />b. Strength of current configuration and operations: Not addressed <br />c. Weakness of current and planned configuration and operation: Close proximity to Interstate <br />85/40, State highway 70 and a rail line can lead to accidents and hazardous material <br />exposure, as well as commercial operations and agriculture land. <br />d. Assess the location and adequacy of each facility equipment volunteers: Not addressed <br />e. Demand Level and range of Service: Not addressed <br />f. Response times: Not addressed <br />g. Population: 3000 tight knit residents <br />h. Value of structure: The district has an assessed property value of $642,973,000. Site market <br />or accounting value is not addressed. <br />i. Level of risk: Not addressed <br />j. Age and adequacy of vehicles and equipment: The current apparatus are detailed and can <br />provide a capacity of 3,500 gallons of water to a structure fire, which meets the standards of <br />rural water supply. <br />~ ~ <br />
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