Minutes - 19740903
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19740903
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4'.~~ <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item 22 on the Agenda: (Mr. Elmer Oettinger: <br />A general discussion of Cable Television with particular reference to County <br />franchising.) <br />Dr. Elmer Oettinger, Assistant Director of the Institute~of Government, -' <br />reviewed G.5, 153A-137 and 153A-154 that dealt with the Franchise Tax on Cable 1 <br />Television. This presentation included length of franchise, Service Requirements, <br />Charges, Cohtrol of rate, tax rate, construction standards, liability insurance, <br />pole provisions, channel requirements, access channel and public proceedings <br />required for franchising. All of these items are required under G.S. 160A-319. <br />Dr. Oettinger filed with the Clerk a number of items that deal with Cable - <br />Television. <br />Jim McHugh and Billy Baity were present to participate in the discussion <br />of the franchising of Cable Television and they had requested the Board to <br />consider allocating to them certain territories. Discussion ensued. <br />Chairman Walker referred to section 8 of Item III. (Eno Fire Protection <br />District Trustees: The officers of the Eno Volunteer Fire Department have <br />recommended that Mrs. T. S. Coi1e and Mr. Fred Crabtree be reappointed as <br />Trustees and that the third trustee be selected from the following group: , <br />1. J. M. Flowers, 2. Eugene Wilson, 3. Kenny Hicks). <br />The Board was advised that the list of names presented had been filed <br />by the Eno Volunteer Fire Protection District. The Board agreed that Mrs. <br />T. S. CDile, Fred Crabtree, and Eugene Wilson be named as Trustees of the <br />Eno Volunteer Fire Protection District. <br />Chairman Walker referred to Item IV on the Agenda: (Approval of a contract <br />between the County, The Orange Grove Rural Fire Portection District and the <br />Farmers Home Administration.) <br />The County Administrator presented copies of the Contract that needed <br />to be considered, and he reviewed some of the items in said Contract. Mr. <br />Gattis stated that the County does have the authority to enter into an <br />Agreement with the Farmers Home Administration relative to the collection of <br />the fire district tax levy. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Melvin Whitfield, seconded by Commissioner <br />Henry 5. Walker, it was moved, that the County approve and execute the. .Agreement <br />between the Orange Grove Volunteer Fire bistrict and the Farmers Home <br />Administration. <br />Chairman Walker inquired if there was any further business that needed <br />to come before the Board. <br />The County Administrator advised the Board that Orange County had received <br />a Personnel Grant in the amount of Six thousand ($6,000.00) dollars and that <br />this money could be used to defray the salary of a telephone operator is the <br />Board wished to consider having a switch board installed for all county offices. <br />Discussion ensued concerning the areas of the County that should be connected <br />by a trunk line to the governmental complexes. Mr. Gattis stated that trunk <br />lines could be secured for Chapel Hill, Mebane, Durham and Roxboro. The <br />County Manager estimated the switch board cost would amount to approximately <br />$300 more than the County was currently paying for telephone service. <br />Commissioner Flora Garrett suggested that the County Administrator be <br />authorized to proceed with the securing of detail facts and cost figures for <br />the installation of a County switchboard. <br />Chairman Walker advised the Board that he had received a call from <br />Charles Campbell in Raleigh stating that according to G. S. 105-39 two fairs <br />could not be operated in the County at the same time, that the licensing of <br />said fairs must fall within thirty (30) days of each other. Mary Wallace <br />of the Durham Morning Herald stated that a carnival sponsored by the <br />Recreation Department would be held in Carrboro, but that it was strictly a <br />carnival and could not be classified as an Agricultural Fair. <br />Chairman Walker inquired if there was any other business to come before <br />the Board. No other business was brought before the Board so the Board then <br />declared an Executive Session. <br />Chairman Walker convened the Executive Session. <br />The County Administrator advised the Board that a Committee that had <br />been entitled The Industrial Development Committee in Orange County had made <br />arrangements with the County far issuance of tax free bonds by Valley Forge <br />Corporation. The Agreement contained the provision that once the indebtness -- <br />of the Valley Forge Corporation was paid then the land would revert to Orange <br />County, however, Valley Forge Corporation is now in the process of being <br />declared insolvent, therefore, the Attorneys representing the Corporation <br />were requesting Orange County to sign a waver of its rights that were granted <br />under. the,tOrigiaal::Agreement. <br />Discussion ensued. No action was taken on this matter. <br />
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