Agenda - 04-07-2009 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-07-2009
Agenda - 04-07-2009 - 5a
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/23/2013 11:10:36 AM
Creation date
4/6/2009 4:25:41 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090407
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
RES-2009-026 Orange County’s Proposed 2009 Legislative Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2009
RES-2009-027 Support of Proposed Jordan Reservoir Water Supply Nutrient Strategy Rules
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2009
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15 <br />te improvements to both the lake and the <br />lake. Reductions from this source will result in edia <br />im AV <br />aired streams that are the first "receivers" of the effluent — such as Morgan Creek. <br />Existing development. This is one of the most controversial and misunderstood parts of the <br />rules. Jordan Lake cannot become healthy again unless local governments take steps to control <br />polluted runoff from existing development The proposed rules have lengthy timeline that begins <br />with a three and a half year period for local governments to write plan for projects to reduce <br />one-half of the excess nutrient pollution within . 10 years. The rules support alternative <br />stormwater practices that also increase water conservation and groundwater re-charge -- like rain <br />barrels, cisterns, and raingardens - as well as stream restoration and new fertilizer and pet waste <br />ordinances. These are all practices that will make streams in developed and urban areas, <br />■ <br />before their waters ever reach Jordan Lake. Local governments can receive credits for <br />documented BW's and storm water practices put *in place'after the base period of 2001 and <br />before the rules become effective. <br />New development, Stream buffers The rules require new development to limit pollution <br />released upstream from the lake by better controlling stormwater runoff and leaving buffers along <br />creeks and streams. Many local governments in the Haw River basin already have riparian <br />■ <br />buffers stronger than the 50' required in these rules, but these rules will ensure buffers <br />throughout the watershed. <br />Agriculture. The rules require farmers in the Jordan Lake watershed to work together to adopt <br />best management practices to keep nitrogen and phosphorus out of rivers - and creeks upstream <br />from the lake. Similar rules have worked successfully in the Neuse and Tar-P ico, river basins <br />without placing a noticeable burden on farmers. The rules also require training and plan for <br />fertilizer applications on crops, golf courses, landscaping nurseries, etc. <br />*NC Department of Transportation. The proposed rules will require the state Department of <br />Transportation and other state and federal entities to take modest steps to control polluted runoff <br />from existing and new projects. <br />rove Nutrient Trading. To finp flexibility and lower costs, the rules also allow the various <br />contributors to 'trade' pollution reductions -- so, if a farmer can cheaply reduce nitrogen, even <br />beyond their required reduction, they can sell that reduction to a wastewater treatment plant or <br />local government. <br />The Haw River Assembly urges the members of the Orange County Board of Commissioners to <br />join other local governments in adopting a resolution to the General Assembly letting them know <br />that you want to see strong rules passed to protect Jordan Lake Thank you for your <br />consideration of this important issue. <br />Sincerely, <br />Elaine Chiosso <br />Haw RIVERKEEPER- <br /> <br />
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