Agenda - 04-07-2009 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-07-2009
Agenda - 04-07-2009 - 5a
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/23/2013 11:10:36 AM
Creation date
4/6/2009 4:25:41 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
Minutes - 20090407
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
RES-2009-026 Orange County’s Proposed 2009 Legislative Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2009
RES-2009-027 Support of Proposed Jordan Reservoir Water Supply Nutrient Strategy Rules
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2009
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11 <br />and recreation -- even though 'its suitability for uses such as drinking water were doubted at the <br />tinge of the Lake's creation: <br />WHEREAS., studies have shown that nitrogen loads have declined in the Upper New <br />1-lope and Haw fiver arms • over the last t .N.wenty years and • further declines will occur without <br />imposition of the existing development rule; <br />WHEREAS, the . Jordan Rules Were promulgated based on limited sampling of <br />Chlorophyll a, an imperfect predictor, with samples taken in years influenced by drought and <br />unusual weather conditions, and the consultant responsible for the Lake model noted the <br />"considerable analytic uncertainty" in the measurements used; <br />WHEREAS, S, under, the Mules, Jurisdictions in the Upper New Hope arm, including; the <br />City of Durham, will be required to impose the strictest limits on nutrient runoff for new <br />development that exist anywhere in Forth Carolina; <br />WHERE-AS, the City needs time to "optimize" its South Durham plant and to study, plan, <br />bid, and contract for additional nitrogen and phosphorus upgrades, and the date of 2016 proposed <br />in the Rules that were originally published by the State allows for such tinge; now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF 7"HE CITY OF DURHAM THAT: <br />1. The Council opposes portions of the Jordan Rifles as enacted by the Environmental <br />Mariagement Conlrnission, in pa •titular, <br />a. the mandate to reduce nutrient runoff from - existing development; <br />h. implementation of new' nitrogen limits for pant sources prior to 2016; <br />c. enforcement of the buffer requirements of the Rules by local governments rather <br />than by the State, as has been done in the Meuse and Tar Pamlico progranns; <br />d. identification of the Jordan Basin its a `critical water supply watershed." <br />2. The Council supports further reducing nutrients in Riordan Lake through, among other <br />measures, further reduction of nutrients in wastewater plant discharges to all arms of-the-Lake., ..__ <br />implementation of buffers; additional controls on new development; including projects <br />controlled by local governments, DOT, and the state; mandatory changes in agricultural <br />practices; changes in fertilizer content and application practices; implementation of "Phase 2" <br />stormwater programs throughout the ,Jordan Basin; and expected reductions in atmospheric <br />nitrogen. <br />�. The Council urges the General Assembly to modify requirements relating to existing <br />development for the Jordan Basin so that, at most, they parallel what was implemented in the <br />Tar -PEI Ilico and Neuse Basins, watersheds with water bodies that have more severe pollution <br />problems than does Jordan Lake. <br />4. The Council authorizes the Mayor and City staff" to talk all necessary steps to <br />implement the above objectives, including, where necessary, supporting compromises that <br />1 <br />achieve the general objectives of this Resolution. <br />Resolution is effective upon adoption. _ _ : •f <br />�. "l ~ISIS •' ' • • <br />• . �'1 • • .+ It . • .. <br />v�� <br />
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