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C3RANGE couNTY <br />BOARD OF CaMMISSIONERS <br />ACTIN AGENDA [TEI~ ABSTRACT <br />Mee~rng Dade: April ~, 2009 <br />Action Agenda <br />ire m N a. <br />SUBJECT: Authorizafiion of Time-~imified Staff at Social Services <br />DEPARTMENT: Social Services pUB~IC HEARiNC: ~YIN~ No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />IN~'ORMATiON CONTACT: <br />Nancy Coston, 245-2800 <br />Michael McGinnis, 245-2550 <br />PURPOSE: To cansider establishing fiwo time-limited income mainfienance positions utilizing <br />sfiimulus funds to assist with the increased workload in Food and Nutrition Services and to <br />.,consider extending time~limited positions employed through the Work First Demonstration <br />Grant. <br />BACKGRnUND: The recently passed federal stimulus bill provided temporary funding for <br />administration of fihe Food and Nutrition program at Social ~ Services. The Department <br />anticipates funds becoming available in April and these funds can be used for any new staff <br />costs associated with this ,program. Although fihe exact allocation is not yet known, sufficient <br />funds are expected to pay for one or two positions and will be available through September <br />201 o with no required match. <br />As the Board is aware, the caseload for this program has grown significanfily during this year <br />and is expected to confiinue to increase until economic conditions improve. The Departmenfi of <br />Social Services is requesting two new time-limited full~time positions be creafied as soon as fihe <br />funding aufihorization is received, thereby allowing Grange County fio maximize fihe available <br />federal funds. Based on consulfiation with the Human Resources Department, the appropriafie <br />classification for these positions would be Income Maintenance Caseworker I. If the additional <br />federal funds are not sufficient fio support two full~fiime positions, fihe agency proposes to create <br />one full time position and to utilize any remaining funds to pay overtime, part-time staff or <br />temporary staff. <br />Currently fihere are also four fiime~limited positions two social workers and two community social <br />service technicians} employed in the Work First Demonstrafiion Grant. The Department has <br />been informed that some funds will be available next year for continuation of the project <br />although fihe exact amount is not yet known. All employees in these positions understand their <br />positions will end on June 30, 2009 unless these funds are received. To assure continuation of <br />