Orange County NC Website
oR,ANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD of COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: April?', 2009 <br />Action Agenda <br />Ifen~ No. _ ~ <br />SUBJECT: Namin of Cedar Grove Park <br />DEPARTMENT: Counfiy Manager, ERCD, PUB~.IC HEARING: ~~YIN~ No <br />Parks and .Recreation <br />ATTACHMENTS}~ INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />~} Res~lufiion t.aura Blackmon, 2462300 <br />2}Adopted Counfiy Property Naming Policy David Stanch, 245-2590 <br />Lori Taft, 2452660 <br />PURPOSE: To consider a resolution to officially name fihe soon-to-open Northern Park working <br />title} on NC 86 North as Cedar Grove Park. <br />BACKGROUND: The X988 Parks Elemenfi of fihe Comprehensive Plan identified a park facility <br />for the area adjacent fio the Northern Human Services Cenfier on NC 86 North, approximately six <br />miles north of Hillsborough. The vofier-approved Parks and open Space Bond of 200 included <br />funding for construction of the first phase of a park. During the master plan process the name <br />"Northern Park" was adopted as a working title for fihe facility, based on ifis location in fihe <br />northwestern part of fihe County and adjacency fio the Northern Human Services Cenfier. The <br />master plan was completed and adopted in 2005, and in early 200?' the Board authorised staff <br />to solicit public opinion on~potential names for fihe park. Construcfiion began in early 2008 and is <br />nearing completion, with a park ribbon cufitinglgrand opening scheduled for April ~ 8. <br />Un March 3, 2009, the Board adopted a new property naming policy for the County see <br />attachment #2}. The policy calls for fihe Manager to present the Board with a report outlining the <br />history of the subject facility building, land, etc.} and the process used to solicit names for that <br />facility ~Secfiion 2.5}, This report was conveyed to the Board at its March ~ ?t~ regular meeting, <br />proposing fihe name of Cedar Grove Park based on community feedback and policy criteria. <br />The policy further requires ~Secfiion 2.6} the Board, in receipfi of fihe report and <br />recommendations of the manager, announce ifis infient to consider the adoption of a resolution <br />for naming the public facility afi the nexfi or subsequent meeting. <br />Accordingly, a resolution fio name this new facility is provided has attachment #1 } for fihe Board's <br />consideration. [f adopfied, Northern Park will be officially assigned fihe Warne Cedar Grove Park. <br />