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GRANGE G~]UNTY <br />BOARD 4F COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: April ?, 2409 <br />Action Agenda <br />IternNo. ~~~ <br />SUBJECT: Resalufiion Prescribin Counfi Appoinfiments fio the OPC Area Aufihorifi Board <br />DEPA~iTMENT: County Manager's Cfi"ice PUBLIC HEARING: ~YIN~ No <br />~ATTACHMENT~S~~ INFC~RMATIDN CGNTACT <br />Proposed Resolution Gwen Harvey, Asst Co. Mgr, 245 -234? <br />Judy Truififi, CPCILME Director, 9~ 3403? <br />PURPOSE: To present for BCGG approval a proposed resolution that prescribes the manner in <br />which the members of the Area Authority Board of fihe Crange~Persan~Chatham Mental Health, <br />Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Authority shall be appointed. <br />BACKGROUND. Noah Caraiina General Stafiutes provide ~NCGS ~ 22C-~ ~ S. ~ ~a}: "Except as <br />otherwise provided, in areas consisting of more fihan one county, each board of county <br />commissioners within the area shall appoint one commissioner as a member of the area board. <br />These members shah appoinfi the other members. The boards of county commissioners within <br />the muifii~count area shall have the option fio appoint the members of the area board in a <br />Y <br />runner other fihan as required under this section by adopting a resolution to that effecfi". <br />The OPC Area Board discussed the appointments process in late 2046 and early 200? and the <br />three Commissioner-representatives Moses Carey, Grange; Tom Vanderbeck, Chafiham; <br />Jimmy Clayton, Persons indicated they believed the intenfiion had always been fiheir full Board <br />would participate in the appointment of their community residents to the mental health area <br />board. The fihree Commissioners supported this position and believed it comported to actual <br />informal practice over the years. The GPC Board then approved appropriafie revisions fio its by- <br />laws to reflect this understanding and practice. The purpose of fihe action before the BCCC at <br />this time, as recommended by CPC Management, is for the BCCC to adopt a proposed <br />resolution to fully recognize "codification" of this manner of community resident appointments. <br />The proposed resolution as prepared by CPC legal counsel is afifiached. <br />Resolutions to this effect have also been presented by CPC management to the Chafiham <br />County and Person County Boards of Commissioners. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associafied with adopting the proposed <br />resolution. <br />REG~]MMENDATION~S~: The Manager recommends the Board adopt the proposed resolution <br />prescribing how Crange County appointments are made to the CPC Area Authority Board <br />