Orange County NC Website
~x~~ <br />The County Administrator explained that before the Orange Grove Volunteer <br />Fire Company could enter into an agreement with the Farmers Home Administration <br />the County of Orange must executed the Contract and Agreement with the Orange <br />Grove Volunteer Fire Company for the levying and collection of the Fire District <br />Tax. <br />Mr. Gattis stated that he had been contacted by an individual who owned an <br />automobile salvage business and that this individual would pick-up all abandon <br />cars in the County provided that the County would execute and exlusive contract <br />with him on the removal of abandoned vihicles. Mr. Gattis said that he felt <br />that this individual would first strip the cars of all useable parts and then <br />sell the body to an automobile crusher. Discussion ensued. The Board adivsed <br />the County Administrator to present the proposed Contract to the County Attorney <br />for his opinion on the request. <br />Chairman Walker presented the following Memorandum from Clayton Haithcock, <br />the County Planning Officer. <br />Whereas the North Carolina State Highway Commission has proposed <br />construction of a segment of highway I-40 from Research Triangle Park <br />to Hillsborough along a corridor known as "alternate IA", and "alternat <br />1" and Whereas the portin of Orange County through which the proposed <br />road would pass is now in important and desirable residential, agricul- <br />tural and scientific use, and provides aneeded open space, all of <br />which would be adversely defected by the proposed highway, and Whereas <br />the proposed highway will not solve the region's serious traffic <br />problems, which are primarily local, and Whereas Orange county is <br />already the location of several major highways and is in danger of <br />becoming a highway cvrridorr to its long-range dettiment; while other <br />areas to the north and south lack adequate highways, and Whereas <br />the proposed highway would damage rare biological resources such as <br />the Duke Forest and the New Hope Creek, and Whereas the few benefits <br />to interstate traffic which might result from the construction of <br />the highway are far too small to balance the large cost in dollar <br />expense, disruption of orderly and desirable growth, and enviromental <br />damage. <br />Be it resolved that the Orange County .Planning Hoard apposes <br />the construction of "Alternate IA" of highway I-40 as unnecessary <br />and undersirable and urges that the funds be utilized in ways better <br />planned to serve the real traffic needs of the region. <br />Commissioner Flora Garrett presented the Following Resolution: <br />R E S O L U T I O N <br />WHEREAS regional organizations have been formed and financed by <br />local general purpose governments, and <br />WHEREAS the state government and the federal government finds it <br />more. manageable to relate with seventeen regional organizations <br />than with 100 county governments and over 400 municipal governments, <br />and <br />WHEREAS THE GOVERNOR has announced the creation of the Dffice of <br />Intergovernmental Relations to further these very relationships <br />between state government and local general purpose governments, <br />BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Board of Aldermen Of the Town <br />Df Chapel Hi11 petition the Office of Intergovernmental Relations <br />to nurture carefully a "giv and take" between its office and the <br />several governments involved in the region; in particular, we <br />petition that no interchange be required between a Lead Regional <br />Organization and the Office of Intergovernmental Relation unless <br />and until adequate time is allowed for the Lead Regional Organiza- <br />tion to confer with each local general purpose government through <br />their elected representatives as an intefral part of the Lead <br />Regional Organization's decision-making process. <br />Adopted this the 22nd day of July, 1974. <br />Commissioner Garrett stated that she was of the opinion that the Council <br />of Governments would be requested to adopt..the Resolution, however, that prior <br />to this or any action she wished to ask that each local governmental Board <br />first review the proposed Resolution. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was <br />adjourned. <br />/f 7 <br />Norman Walker, Chairman <br />Betty June Hayes, Clerk <br />