Agenda - 04-07-2009 - 3a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-07-2009
Agenda - 04-07-2009 - 3a
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Last modified
4/6/2009 3:45:12 PM
Creation date
4/6/2009 3:44:46 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20090407
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a <br />CW Stanford "Eco-Classroom" -Stormwater Background Information <br />Present Teaching Opportunities <br />Fortunately, there is no need to wait for grant funding to start using this area as an eco- <br />classroom. Teachers can have students begin working on various things now that will <br />provide baseline information. Once retrofitted, students can continue collecting data and <br />compare it to baseline to see how things improve. Some suggestions that <br />teachers/students can do now include: <br />• Conduct a biological inventory of the plants and animals currently present; <br />• Collect water samples of the creek, including aquatic insects used as water quality <br />indicators; <br />• Pick up trash that has been washed into the area and learn how it adversely <br />impacts the environment; <br />• Enhance the existing riparian buffer by planting additional trees; <br />• Help design portions of the project; <br />• Learn the processes necessary to gain approval to develop the "eco-classroom" <br />• Simply spend time in nature that has proven physical and mental health benefits; <br />• Gain a real appreciation of the environment by taking "ownership" and providing <br />"sweat equity" in this project. <br />Community Collaboration <br />Another benefit of this project is to build a sense of community by collaborating with <br />other interested school, civic and local government groups. For instance, by focusing on <br />Stormwater and water quality, Orange County and Hillsborough staff can provide <br />assistance through the process. Specifically, the following detail the potential for <br />collaborative efforts: <br />• Orange County Erosion Control and Stormwater Division, which is part of the <br />Planning Department, actually oversees the Town of Hillsborough's stormwater <br />program and has local delegated authority from the state to administer the Neuse <br />Buffer rules. .These programs require education/outreach efforts as well as <br />identifying stormwater retro-fit opportunities <br />• Orange County Soil and Water Conservation District staff also work on water <br />quality projects, including education. They have potential funding sources and <br />work with a federal employee that seeks grants for this type of project. <br />• OHS -since some of the Stormwater comes from OHS, their staff and students <br />have a vested interest. Especially in lieu of the high school project requirement for <br />graduation. <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />
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