Orange County NC Website
CW Stanford Eco-Classroom -Educational Opportunities <br />g) Install rain gages/weather station to collect precipitation data, temperature, <br />humidity; etc ......................................................................................................... (7) <br />h) Collect data on the amount of sediment/turbidity within the stream ................. (6,8) <br />i) Measure stream flow before, after, during rainfall events ................................. (7,8) <br />j) Evaluate erosion and sedimentation processes by measuring stream channel .. (6,8) <br />4) Impacts from Human Activities and making improvements <br />a) Pick up trash that has been washed into the area and learn how it adversely. <br />impacts the environment ................................................................................. (6,7,8) <br />b) Sample stormwater runoff and analyze components; learn how stormwater runoff <br />gets polluted and its impact on aquatic resources .............................................. (7,8) <br />c) Create "micro-habitats" but leaving den trees, and remove deadfalls, leaving them <br />on the ground, etc .................................................................................................. (6) <br />d) Enhance the existing riparian buffer by planting additional trees ..................... (6,8) <br />e) Help design portions of the project ...................................................................... HS <br />f) Learn the processes necessary to gain approval to develop the "eco-classroom" ..... <br />Future Opportunities (Long-term Data Gathering) <br />1) Water quality/quantity <br />a) Compare stormwater runoff (both quality and quantity) between green roofs and <br />regular roofs ....................................................................................................... (7,8) <br />b) Design and construct rain garden/bioretention cells with monitoring wells so that <br />students can sample at differing depths to compare treatment effectiveness ....... (8) <br />c) Compare runoff from bioswales vs. runoff from untreated pavement .................. (8) <br />d) Monitor the amount and velocity of runoff reaching the creek ......................... (6,8) <br />e) Measure the amount of water entering biorention areas vs. what is leaving ..... (7,8) <br />f) Sample and analyze chemical constituents in the stormwater runoff ................... (8) <br />2) Biological <br />a) Sample aquatic organisms (insects, amphibians, etc.) within the stormwater pond <br />and compare to indicator species .......................................................................... (8) <br />b) Sample aquatic organisms in receiving stream, compare to baseline data to <br />determine improvements ....................................................................................... (8) <br />c) Document and monitor aquatic plant health and health of riparian vegetation .... (8) <br />d) Document and observe wildlife diversity at the stormwater wetland and within the <br />stream; compare how it changes over time ........................................................... (8) <br /> <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />