Orange County NC Website
North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety <br />Division of Emergency Management <br />Michael F Easley, Governor H_ Douglas Hoell, Jr., Director <br />Bryan E Beatty, Secretary <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Local Emergency Management Coordinator <br />FROM: H. Douglas Hoell, Jr., D rector,'s' <br />DATE: June 19, 2008 <br />SUBJECT: 2008 EMPG Annual Award Grant and Cost Report <br />By this memorandum I am providing for signature the 2008 Emergency Management Performance <br />Grant Annual Grant Award and Cost Report, The Annual Grant Award document identifies the activities, <br />and completion dates, to be met for this funding award. The Cost Report identifies the 50016 Federal funds <br />awarded to your county and the 50% local match requirement. <br />The Cost Report reflects; l) the Baseline Amount, which should be applied to a county EM <br />Director's salary; 2) the Supplemental Amount over the Baseline Amount, to enhance your County <br />Emergency Management capabilities, and 3) any deductions for Satellite Communications (SATCOM) <br />charges. <br />The are two primary matching sources, l) a cash match, which includes cash spent for project <br />related costs, e.g. salaries of emergency management positions and 2) in -kind match, includes but not <br />limited to the valuation of in-kind services; something received or provided that does not have a cost <br />associated with it. <br />Provide original signature copies of the Annual Grant Award and Cost Reports to your appropriate <br />NCEM Field branch Office no later than December 31, 2008. The Division will submit the verified Cost <br />Report to the Department of'Crime Control and Public Safety to ensure your grant award is reimbursed in <br />a timely manner. <br />MAILING ADDRESS: LOCAI ION: <br />47I3 Mail Service Center 116 W Jones Sweet <br />Raleigh, NC 27699 -4713 „,WW NCCrlmecon0 t org Raleigh, NC 27603 -1135 <br />Telephone: 919- 733 -3867 An EgtW Oppornmity /Afiinnetive Action Employer Fax: 919- 733 -5406 <br />JUM 2 7 2003 <br />