Orange County NC Website
MAY-,05-2008 MON 03;39 PM ORANGE ENTERPRISES INC, FAX N0. 910732814 P, 04 <br />0 <br />t~rl~ ~nter~xi~cs, :~nc~, ~ommer~c~l ~i~r~iag A.gre+~m.em# <br />shall provide a. Certificate oflusurance slowing Customer an additional insured prir~X <br />to the cpnxtnencement of any .services 'under this Agreement and upon each renewal of <br />coverage thraugl~t~ut the term of this Agreem.ei~t_ All Certificates of Lnsurance shall <br />include language assEming Customer that it will be notified upon expiration of coverage <br />for any reason ("endea.~rar to" lan€~e is not acceptable). <br />9) UI/ shall rxaaintain daily ~nrark logs eontainiaaq names and hours of all persons ge~ormit~g <br />'the 7snitQriai ~erviees under tl~.s Agreement. This daily Iog shall be made available to <br />Customer for revierr~v aad Customer's ragnest. <br />10) The term afthis agreement rs far one year lieginnirxg on'the date this A,greemettt is <br />executed by Customer This Agreement may be canceled by either party with a thirty <br />(30) day written notice to the other party. <br />11) The monthly serr'rice charge will be in effect fogy` one year u~ess char~ges~ in the Sanitoria~l <br />services listed on Attachment A tatce place: ~ the event such cl,gES are requested by <br />Customer` ter t~'~, the requesting p' will notify the other party i n wrEting of such a <br />request. <br />Y2) QE°s monthly ~'~titorial Service Fee is to be paid by the 15n' at'the cntratli in which <br />service is pmvicled U.~ shall deliver monthly lnvaices to Customer cxn ar before ttte :first <br />day ofevery nxonth during the terrin ofthis Agr'eetment. <br />13)'l"he Customer' agrees that it'will Writ employ or r,~rntract with any C)l:. employees for one <br />(X) Year after the termination of this Agreement 'without QE's written consent. <br />l4) Ind enden otttra~ctar. 41~. steal! perform all warlc. anal services described herein as an <br />independent contractor and not as. an officer, agent, seTVant ar entplo}ree oft~rartlge <br />Courty aX the Public Wi~rks .I.~egarttrtent. t1E sriall have exclusive ~ntsol of and the <br />exclusive right to contr©1 tl~e details t+f'#he services and worl~ perfr~rmed hereunder and a~ <br />persons per~ot~iing the ~atne and nath~g herein shall be construed ascreating a <br />pership ar,~oitrt venture betuveen grange County or the P`cr'blic Works ~eparttnet<t anal <br />t~E. OE shall not be considei`ed an offrce~r, agent, serirartt or erctplc~yee of f~range County <br />ofthe:Es'ublic Works ~'3eparkenent, rror sal fl:!~ lie entitled. to any berre~fis avaiDable or <br />granted to employees r~ft7range County or t'he Public Wr~rks T~epa.Yt~nent. <br />l5) S lycontr o .Assi Fn+~ ~ ~}E shall al7Gain Caunt~' approval before using any <br />subcontractor or snb c©nsultaritS. This Agreement may not be assigned in 'whale or i.n <br />part by CAE without t1~e prior writl~t cons +~f'tbe County_ <br />16) CAE agrees try indemnify and hold harmless the Ca'unty frcant all Loss, liability, claims r~r <br />expense, including attorney's fees, arising ot~t afar related to the perforzmances ofthe <br />1'a~nitorial Services caused in whsle or in part by the negligence ar misconduct of (~:~ . <br />except to the ext~t see are moused by the negligence or willfral ~iseortdact of the <br />