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• SECTION 3 RECORDING AND FILING; COVENANTS TO RUN WITH <br />THE LAND <br />a. OCHLT shall cause this declaration and all amendments hereto to be recorded and filed <br />in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Orange County upon its execution. OCHI,T shall pay all <br />fees and chazges incurred in connection therewith. <br />b. OCHLT intends, declazes and covenants, on behalf of itself and all future owners of the <br />Property during the term of this Declaration, that this Declaration and the covenants and <br />restrictions set forth in this Declaration regulating and restricting the use, occupancy and transfer <br />of the Property (1) shall be and aze covenants n~nn;ng with the land, encumbering the Property <br />for the term of this Declazation, binding upon all present and future owners of the Property; (2) <br />are not personal covenants of Declarant; and (3) shall bind all present and future owners (and the <br />benefits shall inure to the County and any prospective owner of the Property) and its respective <br />successors and assigns during the term of this Declazation. For the term of this Declazation, each <br />and every contract, lease, deed or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the Properly or <br />portion thereof shall expressly provide that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration, <br />provided, however, the covenants contained herein shall survive and be effective regardless of <br />whether such contract, lease, deed, or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the Property <br />or portion thereof provides that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration. It is further the <br />responsibility of OCHLT to rerecord this Declaration periodically and no less often than one day <br />• less than every 30 yeazs from the date hereof for the purpose of renewing the rights of first <br />refusal in the Properly or portion thereof including any leasehold interest in the Properly or <br />portion thereof. The County retains the right to, periodically and every 30 yeazs after the first <br />recording of the Ground Lease created in Exhibit C hereof, register, with the Register of Deeds of <br />Orange County, a notice of preservation of the Restrictive Covenants on the Property as provided <br />in North Cazolina General Statute § 47B-4 or any comparable preservation law in effect at the <br />time of the recording of the notice of preservation. It is the intent of this Section 3 of this <br />Declazation that the 99 yeaz duration of this Declazation of Restrictive Covenants be <br />accomplished and that any future owner of the Property, OCHLT and Orange County will do <br />what is necessary. to ensure that the same is not extinguished by N.C. Gen. Stat. § 41-29 or any <br />comparable law purporting to extinguish, by the passage of time, preemptive rights in the <br />Properly and by the Real Property Marketable Title Act or any compazable law purporting to <br />extinguish, by the passage of time, non possessory interests in real properly. Any future owner of <br />the Property, OCHLT and Orange County will to do what each must do to accomplish the ,99 year <br />duration of this Declazation of Restrictive Covenants. <br />SECTION 4 ENFORCEMENT OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING REQUIREMENTS <br />a. At the time of resale of the project dwelling unit, OCHLT will convey a housing unit to <br />qualified homebuyer. Each housing unit will consist of a 99 yeaz Ground Lease (renewable for an <br />additiona199 yeazs) to the project dwelling unit. The Ground Lease, the form of which is Exhibit <br />C hereto, provides for the long term affordability (at least 99 yeazs) of the housing unit and <br />• provides remedies to insure the long term affordability of the housing unit. OCHLT hereby <br />declazes and covenants, on behalf of itself and all future owners of the Property, that, during the <br />13 <br />