Agenda - 05-04-1999 - 7e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-04-1999
Agenda - 05-04-1999 - 7e
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4/22/2013 10:26:35 AM
Creation date
3/27/2009 4:54:55 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19990504
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4 <br />While this may involve more paperwork and the Board may be called <br />upon to take action at various milestones in the project rather than just at <br />its commencement, it would appear to provide the County considerably <br />more flexibility in resource management. Savings from the value <br />engineering initiative would then automatically be left in the pool for <br />reallocation to other projects. <br />Should the Board opt to use this resource management tool, the County's <br />Capital Policy would be modified to reflect the Board recommendations. <br />The Board is requested to: <br />• Provide feedback regarding their desire to pursue amended <br />procedures to allocate funds for capital projects; and <br />• To direct staff to prepare amendments to the Capital Policy for <br />consideration by the Board at an upcoming meeting. <br />Next steps: <br />• The staff will reflect the Board decisions on the aforementioned items <br />through a value engineering implementation plan, which will be presented to <br />the Board as an agenda item on May 18. <br />• Assuming the approval of a value engineering implementation plan on May <br />18, County staff would begin immediately to formulate a Request for <br />Proposal soliciting value engineering services. <br />• Since time is of the essence in getting the value engineer involved in on- <br />going school projects, the staff would make every effort to bring forward the <br />results of the solicitation for Board consideration before the end of the fiscal <br />year. <br />Financial impact: Projected savings when value, engineering is utilized correctly has <br />been. estimated to range from $20 to $70 per every dollar- spent for value engineering. <br />Recommendation: The Manager recommends that the Board take the following action:. <br />• Confirm that the value engineering concept will be pursued on all County or <br />School projects involving new construction or major renovation projects, <br />heretofore defined as those with a project cost exceeding $100,000, unless <br />that threshold is waived by the Commissioners. <br />• Provide direction regarding the accuracy or desirability of the outcomes <br />listed; and cite any additional outcomes that the Board may wish to include <br />(from section 1); <br />• Provide feedback regarding additional elements that are deemed critical in <br />the value engineering process and that should be included as the scope of <br />work for the consultant is formulated (from section 2) <br />• Confirm that the County should pay for the services and request that the <br />Manager includes it in the County's Capital Investment Plan. <br />• Provide feedback regarding the Board's desire to pursue amended capital <br />funding allocation procedures and if so to direct staff to prepare amendments <br />to the Capital Policy for consideration by the Board at an upcoming meeting <br />(from section 3). <br />
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