Orange County NC Website
PQar-15-99 01:49P Town o'P' Carrboro 919 968 7737 P.04 <br />-4' t ~?~ ~'. ~ s~y ~ .Y y ~ '~~, ~' •. :^• 'g+~~~~~sJ~~ -' • •~~w •3~A t...w:s;;, <br />.9ts. iin.tuY.r. -..iii:......w'}a..~==~.....~..:_~:...~..~..... r.....s.+a:~w.. <br />1 (c) In approving a special or conditional use permit for a development that proposes to utilise the <br />2 density bonus provi:~ions of this section, the pcimii issuing authority shall ensure, by approval oCa cartditton, <br />3 phasing schedule, or otherwise, that aiI'ordablc housing units are actually provided in accordance with the <br />4 provisions of this section. Without limiting the scnerality of the forebToing, the permit issuing authority may . <br />5 imposo a condition specifying that units" may -not be is5ucd until the carrespandinl; affordable housing units <br />6 arc constructed and,offered for said pr rent for an amount that is consistcat with the definition set forth in <br />7 subsxtion (a). <br />8 <br />9 SgCnON 7. Section 15-146 rI'able of Permissible Uses} is amended by adding a new classific~tian <br />10 3Z.U00 entiUcd "Village Mixed l;Jse Development" and by adding the following languago across the tabla <br />11 opposite this use classification: "Permissible only in village Mixed Use Districts (see Section 15-141.2) <br />12 pursuant to a conditional use permit) " <br />13 <br />14 SECTIp1~[ 8. Secticm 15-136 is amended by adding a new subsection (11} to road a.~ follows: <br />15 <br />16 (11) O/A ,~ffice/Agsembly Coriditicmal Usc. This district is identical to tho O/A district and -. <br />17 shall be subject to all regulations applicable to the O/A district (iruluding but not limited to _ <br />l g the pcrforniance standards set forth in Part 1 of Article X>] except as Follows: <br />19 <br />20 a. This district shall be a conditional use district authari~ed under N.C..G.S. I60A-382, <br />21 As such, property may be placed within this district only in response to a petition by <br />~ the owners of all the property to be included. <br />2.3 <br />24 b. No more than twenty-five (25) acrCS may be rc2oned to the O/A CU. . <br />25 <br />2G <br />27 <br />28 c. As indicated in the '1 able a F Permissible t T.~es, the only pemissiblc use within an O/A <br />24 CU district is an o~iCe/~sembly platmed dcvclopmerit, and an affice/assembly <br />3Q planned development is perrnissiblc only in an OlA CIJ district. <br />31 <br />32 1. The applicant for an afficelassanbly planned development conditional use <br />33 permit shall specify which of the use clas~~fications generally permissible <br />34 with an O/A district the applicant wants to make permissible within the . <br />3 g . proposed O/A CU district. <br />36 <br />37 2. Once a conditional u.~e permit authorizing an officdassembly planned <br />38 development has boen issued, then individual tenants or occupants of the <br />39 spaces or properties eovercxi by the pcnmit may occupy ar use such individual <br />4p spaces or properties without nod for additional znning. special use, or <br />41 conditional use permits, sa long as such use or occ:upariey is cx~n-~istcnt with <br />42 the approved ecmditional rise permit yacluding limitations nn pemaissible use <br />43 classiricatians approved pursuant to subsection 1 above or other conditions or <br />44 limitations imposed as coaditicros pursuant to Section 15-59. <br />45 <br />46 3. t7ses within the O/A CU district shall be limited to those whew loading and <br />mgt 21 of 3S <br />