Agenda - 05-04-1999 - 6e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-04-1999
Agenda - 05-04-1999 - 6e
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Last modified
3/27/2009 3:18:50 PM
Creation date
3/27/2009 3:18:48 PM
Meeting Type
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Agenda Item
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1999 NS Contract for Archeological Survey of St. Mary's Road Corridor
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04/09/1999 09:14 9196443002 OR. CTY. PLAt~IING <br />9 <br />Proposal for Developing an Archaeological Context for the 3t. <br />Mary's Road ~ Corridor, Orange County, North Carolina <br />Llnda Franca Stine, Ph.D. <br />March 22, 1999 <br />Orange County Is using a landscape perspective to create a preservation plan <br />for the St. Mary's Road Corridor (SR1002) (8dk 1999). A landxape approach is an <br />integrative study of how people shape, and are "shaped by the land in dynamic <br />cultural and natural contexts. A landscape approach in preservation guides <br />intordisciplinary research and evaluation of historical propertips...[and] fosters a <br />regional perspective for evaluating and managing a project's historic properties" <br />(Stine and Stine 1997: !89). Interdisc:lpllnary researchers using thin perspective will <br />identify natural and farmland resource areas, scenic viewsheds, and above and below <br />ground cultural resources (Belk 1999), The approximately fi.4.mile stretch of St. <br />Mary's Road, beginning at its Intersection with Hwy 7Q and contlnuinp eastwards to the <br />Durham County line, forms the baseline for the project area. <br />Orange County's Preservation Plan for the 9t. Mary's Road Corridor will be <br />predicated, in part, on the results of archaeological and hi~oric structure resources <br />surveys. This proposal addresses three major tasks assodated with investigating the <br />archaeological properties within the St Mscry'g Raad Corridor (SR1002). The primary <br />task is to conduct a thorough background study of the known archaeological sites, <br />standing structures, historic documentary resources, and modern cartographic souroe3 <br />pertaining to the project environs. This background research, Task One, forms the <br />core of the study, providing information to develop a view of relevant past landscapes. <br />Task Onv will also provide data on possible site Ioeatic~nR, forming the basis ter the <br />second task, "ground-frothing" site locations. Possible sites include traces of historic <br />rude!-tied, artifact scatters, historic and/or prohistorie structural romnants, and/or oilier <br />hypes of cultural remains. <br />Task Two will entail archaeological site reconnaissance to verify the <br />presence/absence of cult«ral remains in areas of high potential for prehistoric and <br />historic sites. Part of this task will be to integrate the data from background and <br />archaeological field reconndlsaance to create an archaeological context for the 6t. <br />Mary's Road Corridor. (t wilt provide preservationists, planners, and the public with a <br />visbn of past land-use patterns, settlement choices, and the cultural Interplay that <br />~~.curred in this area. <br />Task Three entail developing a research design and concomitant scope of work <br />for future archaeological studies in the proj®ct area. This will ovontually nerve aE p3rt <br />of Or~.ange County's Preservation Plan, enabling residents to place modem Issues <br />{e.g., erosion, clean water, land-use) within a broader historic context. <br />
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