Orange County NC Website
SECTION 13. OTHER STIPULATIONS: <br />The attached "Appendi<Y for Subgrant Agreements" is hereby incorporated by reference and <br />contains stipulations regarding procurement; retention of records; changes in scope; prohibition of <br />lobbying; non-federal audit; publications; suspension or termination of subgrant; standards for final <br />products; equal opportunity; and other requirements. <br />We the undersigned, hatiing read, understood, and agreed to the terms of this project description <br />and contract, so a~,Y our signatures this day of , 1999. <br />Grantee: <br />John M. Link, Jr. <br />Orange County Manager <br />Linda F. Stine, Ph.D. <br />Principal Imestig ator <br />Division of Archives and History: <br />David Brook, Deputy State Historic <br />Preservafiion Officer <br />6 <br />