Orange County NC Website
N. CAROLINA OSA TEL~919-715-2671 Rpr 26'99 155$ ~, <br />2 <br />PROJECT DE~CR~QN AND CQNTRAC`T <br />f+or . <br />AItCIiAEOLOGICAL I1WE3TIGATIQI~.QF TJd~ BAIIV'T MARY'S ROAD CORRIDOR <br />P~mded h'Y a <br />National Park 3vlvice Stirwy sad Plasmiag Grant <br />std dto . <br />Orange Cauniy Environtrsomt and Rasootne Consavatiort Dkparament <br />'Plus F'rojcc;t Uescriptian and Contract art heroin ~t+eed to by Oraatge County an behalf of its <br />F.nvirrniment and Resource Cons~vatBotr Dept hereurat:~er larown as the Cnaateo; Dr. <br />Linda F. Stine, horoitraf~er known as dtie Paocapal Itrv~igabor (PI); and, the Division of Archives <br />and History, hcreina~er known as the Dlvisian. Dan HeDc of the Orange Co~mty Environment and <br />kesourcc Conservation Dcpartmeat; shall eGlvr q tlto Local Coordinator far t'ha project. DokXCs <br />A. hall, Office of State Archaeeaogy, shs~ Ierve as tea Divlsioq'e Prajcct Specialist for the <br />project. The p~rojec;l will be conducted aceor~ m Stye aed Federal laws, standards and <br />prncedurtis, and will be sub,~ct to the review, supercvidon, advice and final acceptance by the <br />T~iviaion. This project description and oosrtract and ~ specify the services and goods <br />provided by die PI, standards to be followal, star sav~icoe and gloocle provided by the Grantee and <br />tfie livision. <br />SEC".7'tON 1. PROJECT OBJECTIYEB: <br />The objective of this project is to invost~te the atchaovb~ca~l properties within the Saint Mary's <br />12oad Condor ae a part of the ov~erail objo~tiv!o to develop s Preservation Plan for fhC Corridor. <br />The archaeological ccmrpcmcnt co~ret~od try ttvs oeedract win be aecoglpWhed by three tasks: <br />1. A thar~ugh background study of tiro tawwtt srt[raosl sites, k~caiyans of staaciiug <br />structures, historic docuincplary rosvureos and miodatr ~~ eotnres pertahting to the <br />1~Jcet environs. <br />2. Creation of an archaeological contatt fear the 3aiat.Muy'a Road Corridor through irrtegrattion <br />of tfie results of an archaeologicat site ~ background infornnatian <br />rcxulting fxvm Task I. <br />3. Devetc~anent of a research design attd stAps of work for thdn+c archaaologicai studies in the <br />Saint Mary's Road Con Wor. This wdl serMO ar a component of the Orange Crnurty <br />Preservation flan sad direct ~we+e archaeobgical iavarti~tlons m the area. <br />_. .I ... <br />~.;.. ~: <br />